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Friday 17th August

"Hello... Jackie" he says to me, emphasising the word 'Jackie'. The thought of him looking at anyone with that look in his eyes made my skin crawl.
"No, uncle Jim" I sigh, stepping into his hallway "it's me Rosie".
"Ah yes. Rosie" he replies, turning to look at me now in his home.
"You remind me of someone" he utters, in his usual tone.
"Jackie?" I ask.
"Jackie?" Jim shouts looking around for her then flinching at the sight of Wilson.
"No, I meant, do I look like her? You know cus you said her name when you opened the door" sighing again, I walk to his living room and take a seat.

The whole house was a dirty brown or green colour. Each wall covered in a hideous floral pattern that had somehow, darkened. God I hope it's not from Wilson.
"No" Jim replies a few minutes later, hobbling into his living room.
"You remind me of my primary school teacher".
"Oh, well that's okay then" I let out a small chuckle.
"She was fired for stabbing a student with a ruler, she will never work again" Jim carries on.
"Right" I reply, unable to think anything to say.
"Why are you here Rosie? Are you hiding from the police?" Jim asks, looking surprising concerned.
"No!" I shout "Why would I be hiding from the police? I've never stabbed anyone!".
"Ah yes" Jim lowers his head and stands.
"Wilson" he cries, hoping to find his dog.
"He's right there Jim".
"Oh yes.." he flinched at Wilson at his feet "let's go see our friends!". He offers an awkward smile at me and I just bury my face in my hands, wondering what I had got myself into.

After no deliberation, I decide to follow Jim to his "friends". I wasn't really sure what to make of it. Earlier in the day, a short bald man had jumped at me and asked for chicken.. maybe it was him? For once in my life, my curiosity was stronger than my fear.
Approaching the house, I notice how nice it looks. It was a normal house. Did Jim really have normal friends?
Upon opening the door, I notice an older woman stood with her husband. They only looked about 40 to 45, but very posh. The woman had similar colour hair to me and very pale skin. On the other hand, the man was completely grey and a lot more tanned. Then again it could have been dirt.
"Hello Jim" she spoke in a polite tone, hiding her annoyance very well.
"Hello... Jackie" Jim spoke again, still looking just as creepy as the last time
"You look... nice".
"What do you want Jim?" The man bluntly asks, undoing the top buttons of his shirt.
"Well, I brought my niece with me" he says , still holding the unnerving smile "Richard" he finished.
After letting out a small laugh I sigh "I'm Rosie".
"Well it's lovely to meet you Rosie but we better go the boys are waiting" she politely tries to close the door but Jim stops her.
"Are you having crimble crumble?" Jim questions.
"Yes Jim, we better go".
Quickly I say "do you mind if I use your toilet?" And mouth 'help me'.
Jackie smiles at me, probably knowing how I feel, and lets me in.
"See you later Jim".

After letting out a deep breath, apologies start flooding out of my mouth.
"Don't worry about it love, the more the merrier" she laughs, walking to the kitchen. Not knowing what to do, I stay stood in the hallway with a now topless man.
"I'm Rosie" I offer, hoping for some kind of reaction.
"Martin Goodman" he replies, offering a hand to me. I quickly shake his very sweaty hand and stand back again.
"Boiling isn't it?" I say, assuming that's why he took his top off.
"Absolutely shitting boiling" he rants before walking into the kitchen.
"Rosie?" Jackie shouts from the kitchen, I follow her voice in hopes of being saved from my awkward conversation with Martin.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asks.
"Oh no I couldn't, I've already barged in on you, I can't gatecrash your friday night dinner too." I reply, hoping she'll see through my excuses.
"Don't be silly, we'd love the company" she says giving me a small hug. Turns out Jackie is surprisingly friendly.
"Okay then" I say " I'll stay for tonight".

A few awkward minutes pass and Jackie asks "so Jim is your uncle?".
"Unfortunately so" I chuckle. A loud laugh escapes Jackie before she carries on asking about me.
"How come you are staying with him?" She asks while stirring... something.
"I got a new job in London and I really can't afford to live here so my dad said to stay with Jim" I state "I guess it gives me an incentive to actually try and find a place". She laughs again and softly says "I'm sure you will find a place soon love, what is it you do?".
"I feel like I'm filling out a dating profile" I chuckle before saying "I'm an English teacher".
"Aw what a lovely job, not that well paid though" she turns to face me, obviously laced with gossip.
"My friend Val, well her sister's daughter went into teaching and apparently she had to move back home" she says, directing it at both me and Martin. After turning to look at Martin, I notice he is just stood against the counter, eating ketchup and doing... something on a calculator.
"Oh Martin, the boys will be here soon" she throws a tea towel at him and mutters "get yourself cleaned up". Obviously hinting at all the ketchup smeared down his chest.
"Anyway," she turns back to me "Sarah Chester - the teacher - has been qualified for 6 years now and is still living in her parents basement".
"Jesus Christ" I say, lost for words.
"That won't be you though Rosie, she's a bitch" she laughs again before carrying something into the dining room.
"I've set the table for five, so you can sit next to Martin Rosie".
"Thank you Jackie, I really appreciate it" I sincerely say.
"Don't worry about it, you are welcome" she gently touches my arm, in a motherly way.
"Now, where are those boys?" She shouts and the door starts to click.

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