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they had finally arrived back at jimins house. jimin noticed his parents car in the driveway and already knew what to expect

some half assed apology on why they were away for so long

usually jimin would pretend everything's ok, when it really wasn't and would just smile through the pain. his parents never noticed, why would they?

jimin took a few deep breathes before placing his hand on the door handle of yoongis car ready to get out. yoongi gently pulled the youngers shoulder.

"do you want me to come with you?" yoongi asked

jimin nodded as they both got out of the car and made their way to the front door of the parks house.

without even knocking, jimins mother opened the door. yoongi shot jimin a suspicious look and jimin just flicked his eyes between yoongi and the cctv cameras above them. yoongi shrugged in acknowledgement 

"my baby jimin, I'm so sorry we were late home again" jimins mother said leaing against the doorframe "we thought you would need some support during this time"

"I have enough support right here" jimin mumbled under his breath

"is this a new friend?" jimins mother asked "I don't believe we've met"

although jimins parents were never really there, they knew all about jimins life. apart from jimins actual feelings and emotions, they just knew where he went and who he spent time with 24 hours a day 7 days a week. he was nearly always under surveillance.

"boyfriend actually" jimin coughed "so if you'll excuse us" jimin said dragging yoongi through the house away from his mother

"jimin we need to talk" jimins mother said in a calm tone "about jihyun"

jihyun had been jimins friend ever since he could remember, they were practically brothers. some people even got them mixed up

"what about jihyun" jimin snapped back "he's not dead so stop trying to pretend that he is"

"jimin calm down, I know you're upset-" she continued in a soothing tone

"and you're messed up" jimin said stepping closer to his mother "trying to make me believe that my best friend committed suicide so that you don't 'ruin' the family image

"jimin" his mother said sternly "I knew this was going to be hard but I'm loosing my patience with you"

"loosing your fucking patience" jimin almost laughed 

"I was willing to come back to give you emotional support and this is what you give me" jimins mother spat "ungrateful little brat"

jimins expression dropped and he stood motionless between his mother and yoongi

"we should have just left you in busan, you're lucky anyone wanted you" jimins mother spat at him

yoongi stepped forward past jimin

"don't talk to him like that" yoongi said defending the younger "you have no idea what hes been going though regardless of this new added stress that you've put on him"

"this is none of your business"jimins mother said pushing yoongi back

"mum, what is your problem" jimin said on the verge of tears

"first of all, you have been nothing but disrespectful for the last two days and now all out of the blue, you decide you're gay. do you not know how much that will effect your father"

"well he's not here is he" yoongi shot back "never is, never really will be"

jimins mother mouth hung open "how dare-"

"just leave him alone, hes nothing but an object to you. call the fucking police or something i don't care ill just  file a report on you for child neglect"

"we should never have adopted you" jimins mother said looking at the ground

"what the fuck happened to you for you to become so brain dead" yoongi said a hint of sigust in his voice

 jimins mother laughed "all you teens are messed up"

"we learn from our elders" yoongi smiled

jimin quickly went and got everything import from his room. already packed into three neat suitcases. waiting for the day that someone took him away from all this.

"son-" jimins mother said as the two boys left

"I'm not your son anymore, I never even though of you as parents"

a/n: ok so I'm trying to be positive more everyday, I was fine doing up until like last Friday. I found it a good way to help not slip back into old habits and now ive just messed up my whole routine because of other people and I'm back to square 1.

I'm also seeing burn the stage tomorrow so that should be good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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