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Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.- Gerard Way

the two boys were now in the car currently on their way to ilsan to meet yoongi's friend. they had been sat in silence for five minutes. jimin decided that the awkwardness was getting a tad bit painful

"i hope you don't mind me asking" jimin started

"i stopped around a year and a half ago" yoongi sadly smiled already answering jimins unasked question

the younger nodded at yoongi answer. 'when did you stop cutting' was what he was going to ask. he gulped a little

"why?" jimin asked, voice a little shaky.

yoongi sighed a little, still concentrating on the road

"so a year and a half ago i would have been just 16. My dad got into a lot of debt and got into drinking and got into abusing my mother and got into verbally abusing me" yoongi took a deep breathe "shit i wouldn't have fucking minded as much if he had just beaten the shit out of me... a black eye would have hurt a lot less than some of the shit he said"

"oh I'm sorry. I can't imagine what that would be like. it must have hurt" jimin said softly, playing with the ends of his jumper staring down at his hands

"don't be. but i appreciate it. usually people try and sympathize as if they've experienced it themselves" yoongi explained "it was kind of stupid of me to start cutting because of it though"

"I'm not going to say it wasn't because that would be neither a lie or truth. but it's not your fault" jimin said turning to face the older.

yoongi gave jimin a weak smile "i remember the first time I did it" yoongi bit his lip "i will never forget how good it felt but how sad it was. everything rose off of my shoulders but tears still drowned my face... jimin?"

"hmm?" jimin said with wide eyes

"please stop" yoongi said slightly teary eyed "tell me why you do it"

"my parents are never at home, as you may have noticed. i don't know, it just feels relaxing. all the neglect goes away and nobody knows about it because my parents are never home to notice. well you know now" jimin weakly smiled "they come back very occasionally, they aren't bad people. sometimes it feels like I'm not even their son though"

"ah park jimin" yoongi said wiping his eyes "we are just an extra two tally's waiting to be tallied on the chart of fallen angels" yoongi sniffled "but I'm not letting your tally be marked"

"very extremely off topic but, do you really sell drugs?" jimin asked innocently

yoongi nearly swerved into a tree

because he was laughing too hard

"what???" jimin said almost offended

"me?, drugs... you think I sell drugs?" yoongi said trying to calm down

"well yeah, you're like the school thug that makes edibles in his spare time" jimin said simply, honestly jimin knew nothing and everything about yoongi

"people think that?" yoongi said genuinely surprised. he knew he was slightly intimidating, but not... like that "I must admit I make some dope brownies in my spare time though"

"wha- see-, you make weed brownies... I'm in a car with a criminal... I'm gonna get drugged and raped" jimin started to frantically panic.

yoongi was in a mix of confusion and concern "no jimin, it was a joke- stop- baby-" 

jimin was not a mess and tugging at his hair, mumbling loads of random things to himself.

"jimin baby I was-" yoongi was kinda getting desperate because it looked like the smol boi was going to die of... he wasn't sure what... but he looked like he was about to die

jimin suddenly dropped the act and giggled "when can I try some?" he asked staring innocently at a very confused and panicked yoongi

"what was-" yoongi said, eyes wide trying to concentrate on jimin and the road

"I was shitting with you" jimin said reassuringly "I'm fine"

"oh shit jimin" yoongi breathed out relived "you scared the shit out of me, I thought you were going to die"

"of what?" jimin asked, tilting his head slightly

"I don't know" yoongi shrugged "and for the record. I don't sell drugs... or do them either

"aight" jimin smiled "I'm gonna take a nap now

a/n: so i managed to convince this kid i sit next to in Spanish that English isn't my first language and he genuinely believes that i moved to England from Zambia and that my first language is bemba so that is why i talk to fast and mess up my words sometimes. I'm pretty sure this all started because i was trying to spell killing me in Korean on my hand while bored in Spanish but n e ways

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