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"Stefan, I'm begging you."

The two were standing behind Mystic Falls High School in a spot that was known to most as the make out spot. Why they were standing at Mystic Falls it was unknown.

"I'm not helping get my best friend into some trouble with Klaus. Why should I help you anyway? You wanted her dead."

"Stefan, please, his sadistic little brother is in town. There isn't any telling what they're going to do to me if I don't get her there. They won't kill me considering they don't want to deal with the Hunter's Curse," the Huntress continued to beg the vampire for his help but he wasn't budging.

"I'm not betraying her like that no matter how much of a bitch she's being right now. I don't betray people," he said which was rather ironic but the Lockwood girl didn't need to know that. She let out a frustrated sigh before she stormed away from Stefan.


I watched as all the trees passed me as I think I was in Tennessee now. I wasn't lying to Stefan when I said I may just go to New Orleans next. That was exactly where I was headed to by myself, however, I was about to make a quick stop in whatever town I was in.

"Fancy to find you of all people here. What's poor, little Cassidy do all by herself in Tennessee. You're a long way from home."

I looked to my right as my sister's dopplegänger took a seat next to me. I looked around for Hannabella considering wherever Katherine was her baby sister would be on her heels. Hannabella was nowhere in sight though.

"Don't worry, my sister is nowhere near here. Believe me, if she was I wouldn't be here."

"Well, I'm here by myself because I completely want to be away everything Salvatore and everything Mystic Falls. Oh wait, that includes you. Oh," I took in a sharp breath as I began to get out of my seat and go out of the bar I was in. I pulled one of the drunken fellows to the side and looked into his eyes to compel his ass not to scream. He smiled as he tried put his hands on my hips but I pushed them away before throwing my fangs into his neck. I threw him (and his head of course) down on the ground as I heard a small chuckle.

I whipped around to see Katherine standing there with a smirk on her face.

"I knew you weren't away from Mystic Falls and the Salvatore's for the hell of it. I mean, Damon wouldn't have let you leave. He's too wrapped around your stupid little finger that he would've forced you to stay. Cassidy Gilbert has turned her humanity off. What brought this?"

I turned to look at her with knitted brows indicating my curiosity. I thought word travelled fast in the supernatural world. Especially with deaths of importance like Katerina Petrova's dopplegänger. That her stupid sister was the one that managed to make it happen.

"You didn't hear? Elena's dead, Katherine, and your sister took it upon herself to make sure I flipped the switch," I snapped slightly, not exactly sure why.

"My poor dopplegänger is dead? Gosh, I wanted to do it myself."

I rolled my eyes as I began to get passed her to get back to the car I decided to take. That car being Damon's baby blue car actually. I completely ditched him in Chicago.

"Here's the baby blue car but where's the sexy owner?" Katherine walked to the passenger side of the vehicle.

"Ditched him in Chicago. What do you think you're doing?" I sat down in the driver seat as she sat down in the passenger seat. I don't think a roadtrip with Katherine Pierce isn't that bad. It may be a little fun.

"I'm going to road trip with you, and look at you go. Ditching Salvatore's, I like this new Cassidy. Where you going?"

"New Orleans?" I smirked as I started the car, feeling the low rumble in my chest.


"Damon, out of all the stupid things you've done this definitely tops them all," Stefan looked at his older brother in annoyance as he walked in the Salvatore Boarding House straight to the bourbon. Damon didn't acknowledge his brother as he drank out of stress.

"You don't think I already know that, Stefan? She's out there somewhere but thank god no one is after her."

The uneasiness from his little brother made Damon begin to slowly grow more upset with the younger Salvatore. There was clearly something that Stefan had failed to mention to the elder vampire. Damon slowly put his glass of bourbon down as he took a step toward the younger vampire.

"What the hell have you failed to tell me, Stefan?"

"Klaus .. " "You can stop right there."

Damon talked over his brother, failing to hear what else Stefan had to say but just hearing the Original's name was enough for Damon. He wasn't only annoyed with his baby brother but also with Cassidy considering she stole his car and he had to jump around in the beds of trucks to get back to Mystic Falls.

"Wait," Stefan had a look of deep thoughts on his face and in his eyes. Damon got a little hopeful. "I know where she's going. We're going to take a little road trip," Stefan looked at the older vampire with a smile on his face as he remembered his and Cassidy's conversation that previous night.


"New Orleans is a beautiful place this time of year, and there is always a party going on. You're in for a treat," Katherine dabbed her finger on her lips to get some lipstick smudges off of the area around them. She pushed the visor shut as she looked at me as I kept my eyes focused on the road. "So how did the damsel in distress get herself killed?"

"We're not talking about that," I rolled my eyes as I merged off the interstate to get on the back roads. I noticed she lifted an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Must trigger your humanity. I respect that, besides I'll keep you this way as long as possible. I like this Cassidy."

"Yeah," I muttered. "I like this Cassidy too."

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