Chapter 3: Pasionate bad boy

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Suddenly i wak up, harrdy i say! I heard everythig you said when i was in the comma! His face goes so white it looks like delicious milk, he is scared because he thinks i domt luv him back!

I thought you were dead!!!! He says. I am s glad you are allive baby but im sorry for telling you i have felings for you. I didnt want you to know, i say no harey..... The tryth is i am in luv with you too. 💖

We look into ech others dazzling eyes sprakling like the sun. His mermsirsirisng green orbs are pericing into mine. Then he starts kissing me, our tongues dance a ferocious battle with ech other, we start making out for so long he is so sexy and then we have sex. But im a good gril harry sex is for horses!!! I say. He says now your not a godo girl anymore and he puts his thing inside my thingy i say oh hadry that fels so good!!! He says you are te most bjeotful girl i hav ever done it with! Bad boy!

For the netx 4 months we are in luv and he takes me to all his concerts and i sing all his sogns with him 😍  and some times we have sex on stage. 1 day we are in the car afterhis concert and he pulls out a rig says y/n will you marry me? i start crjing, i love u so much hracry, yes i wil mary you 😭

omg hary told her he loved her!! are married!!!!! I mad this chapter extra sexy for you dis gusting sinners i know you lik it 😂  what will hapen next????  Only one capter to go. Beware: hear break.💔upvote or my mum will beat me!

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