Chapter 2: Hopsital heartbreak

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"Aaaaaah!" I say harry screams oh no are you okay!!!!!! but i lie there not moving coz i was in a coma. But i could hear what he is saying he bends down and then .... he kisses me! Omg i think, hardy says "y/n i have loved u ever since i saw your dazzling sapphire eyes! 😍 please come back dont die he is crying now!

His tears fell onto my face like tragic rain. He says "please dont be dead 😭😭" i am cryjing now too we are both crying and all the police are standing round trying to bring me back to life. I go unconscssios and wake up in the hopsital bed.

Hardy is sitting there i can tell he has been sitting by my side for many nights because there are dark cricles under his eyes but its secretly sexy! ;)

Will hary fell in love with y/n???? read more to find out. Upvote if this chapter made you cry

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