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Chapter Two - IntroductionsMonday - 7:10 amYour POV - 🚬

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Chapter Two - Introductions
Monday - 7:10 am
Your POV - 🚬

"Y/n. Hey. Wake up. You've gotta get ready for school." Johnny whispers as he shook me softly.

I groan and open my eyes to see a tired Johnny,

"Go away." I say as I flip to my side only to be turned around again.

"You've got school kid." He pulls me out of the bed making me fall on my back.

"Ow! You ass!" I yell at him as he took off and left my room. "Fucking dick." I get up and walked to my closet, pulling out clothes.

"Good enough." I tell myself as I locked my door and got undressed.

I began putting my clothes on then my shoes and grabbed my backpack as I set some journals, pencils and paper in there then putting my pocket knife in my pocket and walked into the restroom with my bag slung over my shoulder.

I walk to the sink and open my jewelry box, I then grab the silver ring David gave me and put it on.

"Jesus I feel like David." I tell myself as I stared into the mirror.

I smile at the ring as I remember David gave it to me on my 12th birthday. Mom and dad didn't give me anything or remember it was my birthday so I was sad the whole day until David went out and stole the ring for me as a gift with a dozen roses. He never wanted to see me sad nor unhappy. He always did his best to make sure I was happy. He's a caring brother.

I just wish we didn't butt heads.

I snap out of my thoughts and began to brush my hair and left it down, deciding that I really don't want to. I leave the restroom then leave my room and walked downstairs to see Johnny and David up and ready.

"Good?" David asked,

"Yeah. Come on, let's go." We leave the house and lock the doors, making sure Luck didn't get out or anyone got in.

We walk to Johnny's truck, got in, put our seatbelts on and started it then drove out of the driveway and onto the road. New school, here comes L/n.

TimeSkip - Arriving At The School

"Ready Kid?" Johnny asked me as he stared out the window.

David then handed me a piece of gum which I took and put it in my mouth.

"Geez. If we would've known you were this close, you could've rode your bike." David complained, sighing.

"As if you would've let me." I nudge his head and he turns and nudges me back, but I ignore him and answer Johnny;

"Yeah. I've got my switchblade on me just in case. Are either of YOU ready?" I ask them, knowing they're nervous to look for a job.

The Boy With Bruises           {Henry Bowers x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now