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Annie's POV

My car skidded into the lot of the old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. I leaned over Darry and took the bullets out of my glovebox and loaded the gun.

"Since when do you keep bullets in your glovebox?" Steve asked, and I shrugged.

"Awhile." I replied smoothly.

We all got out and saw that the door was locked- of course.

"Ah, locked doors. That's my specialty." Two-Bit said before slamming a brick down on the lock and breaking it.

"That's... one way to handle things, I guess." I said slowly. "Wait here a second."

I instructed, slipping through the door. I had the heater tucked in the waistband of my jeans. I didn't intend to use it. I just liked to have leverage.

The door that I'd gone in through went up to the second floor, which overlooked the first floor. I could see Dally tied up, and he looked horrible.

Vincent was standing in front of him. Bobby and Rick were behind him, Jason was behind Dally, and Francis was off to the side.

I raised the gun, not really aiming at anyone. I shot it, and it hit the concrete with a loud bang. My ears were ringing from the shot itself.

I didn't stick in one spot to hear what they had to say. I jumped over the balcony and hurt my ankle when I landed, but I ignored it. Francis tried to grab me and I headbutted him. He let me go and I kicked him down and aimed the gun at him.

"Nobody fuckin' move or I'll shoot him!" I yelled, and everyone froze except Vincent.

Vincent grinned in a messed up way. "Well, well. Didn't little Annabelle grow up?"

"Don't touch her or I'll kill you!" Dally threatened.

My hands were getting sweaty holding the gun. I'd never killed anyone before. It'd always been Dally. I don't think I'd ever be able to kill anyone.

"You really held up your end of the bargain, didn't you?" I asked him.

"You should know better than anyone that I do, Annabelle," he said. I could feel my heart beating against my chest. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Maybe tonight would be the night I killed a man.

Vincent took a step towards me and I turned the gun on him. He held his hands up in surrender.

"You untie Dallas." I said calmly, cocking the gun.

He finally seemed to realize I was serious.

"Fine. Bobby, untie him."

"I said you."

Vincent scowled, and cut the ropes that were binding him. Dallas stood up and Rick grabbed him and pressed a blade to his throat. I slammed my foot against Francis' face and knocked him out.

"Calm down, Annabelle." Vincent said, stepping towards me and putting a hand on my arm.

I turned the heater on him. "Don't touch me."

His grip on my arm tightened, and I punched him in the face. That was when all hell broke loose. I didn't hold back in fighting. I went tooth and claw, not hesitating in the slightest.

At some point, Dally had turned the knife on Rick and nearly stabbed him, but got the blade knocked out of his hand.

Me and Jason made eye contact and both dove for it at the same time. I grabbed it before him then kicked him down. I tossed it to Dally, and he caught it smoothly.

By the end of the fight, we were both pretty beaten up. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "That's a stupid question. Come on, you gotta go to the hospital."

"Glory, Annie, you ain't exactly in good condition yourself," Dally said.

We both started laughing. Looking back, we were probably in shock. The adrenaline was definitely wearing off. We both collapsed at the same time and hit the floor hard.

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