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A month later, my cast was finally off, and it was Thanksgiving. Since I'd been making dinner for the past month, everyone else insisted on making Thanksgiving dinner.

I was out front smoking when the mail came. I rifled through the envelopes.

Bills; bills; Soda's got a letter from Sandy, that oughta make him happy; aaaand bills.

I finished my cigarette and went back inside.

Pony's POV

From the kitchen, I heard the phone ring and Annie answered it.

"Hello?... Tonight? I can't work tonight. It's Thanksgiving.... How much?... I see...." I heard her sigh. "How late do I have to work?... One?... Alright. Fine. I'll be there in half an hour."

I seemed to be the only one that heart the conversation. I watched her from just out of her line of sight. She sighed, and looked like she was going to cry for a second. Darry walked into the living room from outside.

"Darry, I have to go in to work tonight."

"Tonight? You have to?" He sounded heartbroken.

"If I don't, we won't be able to pay bills this month,"

My heart sank in my chest. They both sounded so upset.

"I know." He sighed.

I knew we were having money problems, but I didn't know they were this bad. So that was why they both worked two jobs? And that was why the rest of the gang always gave them such sad looks when they saw Darry or Annie going through the mail?

"I'm gettin' paid extra, though. Since I'm workin' on a holiday."

Darry just nodded. I could tell he was crying. I barely realized that the rest of the kitchen had stopped to watch the rest of the interaction.

"I'll be back later tonight." Annie said, and she kissed him goodbye.

I could tell she was upset, too. Why had they all known about the money problems but me?

"C'mon, kid, it's none of our business," Soda said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"When did our money problems get this bad?" I asked.

"They always been this bad, Ponyboy. We just been keepin' it from ya." Soda smiled slightly, but he looked tired. Tired and sad.

I didn't say anything else after that, but the conversation in the kitchen picked up soon. I don't think anyone wanted Darry to know we'd heard his conversation.

Annie's POV

The restaurant was surprisingly packed. Lots of Soc's.

I wanted to cry the whole time. I wanted to be at home.

By the time my shift finished at one in the morning, I was worn out. I'd nearly forgotten it was mine and Dally's birthday that day. I stopped at a shop that had been open late and bought him a nice switchblade. Well, a nice switchblade that didn't cost too much.

I got home and saw that Dally was asleep on the couch with Johnny on top of him. Steve and Soda were behind the couch, hugging each other for warmth. Pony and Darry were passed out on the carpet in front of the couch. And Two-Bit was laying on the side of the couch.

The TV was still on, and I assumed that they were going to try and wait up for me but fell asleep. I smiled to myself and turned it off.

I saw that the kitchen was a mess, so I cleaned up silently. I cleaned in the dark, partially because I didn't want to wake anyone up and partially because it wouldn't be anything on the electric bill.

After about an hour, I'd cleaned the whole kitchen. It was two in the morning, by then, so I figured, hell, why not clean the whole house?

And so I was up until five in the morning, silently cleaning the entire house. At five thirty, I figured, well, it's almost six and the boys'll start waking up soon, and they need a breakfast that doesn't have chocolate.

Dally was the first one awake. He carefully moved Johnny off of him and sat at the kitchen table and watched me cook. "Happy birthday, Annie." He yawned.

"Happy birthday, Dally." I replied. I handed him the switchblade. "Sorry I didn't wrap it."

"Nah, it's perfect. Thank you. But you shouldn't have, I can only imagine how much it cost..."

I felt my face get red. "It's none of your business how much it cost, Dallas."

He smiled slightly and stood up. "And this is my gift to you, o-favorite-sister of mine."

He handed me a wad of cash- it was $50.00.

"Holy shit, Dallas!" I gasped. "I'm not taking this,"

"Yes, you are." He said calmly.

"Dally, I can't take this. I feel awful takin' it. I can't."

"Annie, I know y'all need it. Please, take it." He said, his face softening.



I burst into tears suddenly, and he hugged me.

"Please don't cry, Annie," he whispered. "Everything is okay. I want you to take the money, okay?"

"I feel awful about it," I sobbed into his shoulder, and he rubbed my back. "I can't take it, Dally. It's your money."

"No, it's your money."



I realized that he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and I cried even harder. I hoped no one was awake. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. Eventually, I calmed down.

"See? You're alright." He said.

I nodded tearfully, wiping at my eyes.

"Happy birthday, Annie."

"Happy birthday, Dally."

He kissed my forehead and I hugged him again. "Alright now, come on and help me make breakfast."

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