Cheshire~Chapter Four~ I think...

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Okay! this is short, more of a filler than an actual chapter:P Enjoy anyway, and check out the Apprentice Dammit!!;D


"See you in a hour!" Dahvie yelled up the stairs. I yelled back okay, and I heard the door slam. An hour my ass. Returning to my music, I turned the bass to it's max, as I screamed A7x at the top of my lungs. Dahvie and Jayy were heading out to some club, and Sally was meeting them there. I can sleep here alone now that I've been here a week, but Sally constantly comes over anyway. I enjoy it though. She seems to always be cheerful, atleast around me. The sky began to darken, and I made my way downstairs to eat something. Food was an essential of life, am I right? That was when I heard the doorbell. We don't get visitors often. Even when we do, they usually waltz right in like Sally. This, was wierd.

Making my way to the door, I open it cautiously, to find no one there. Shrugging, I close the door and walk back to the door. Wait. It was probably the mailman. He probably left a package or something. I turn towards the door again. Opening the door, I see a grotesque scene. Instead of screaming, I gently place it on my arm, and bring it to the living room. The table under it, I examine it.

It, otherwise known as my kitty cat.

His beautiful orange eyes were cut out. Whoever did it, didn't mean for him to die. He wasn't bleeding much at all, but I had to call a vet, immediatly. My hands lead, I reached for the cell in my pocket that Dahvie bought me to keep in touch. I dial the emergency number, and a vet comes over in an instant. My poor kitty's eyes were scooped clean out of his skull. He would be okay, but blind.

Instead of staying with me and my kitty, the vet injected him with something to help with the pain and make him sleep until morning. Only then did I realize it was almost ten oclock. They said the cops would also be there. I nodded and the vet left. Carrying my kitty to bed, I turned off my music, and laying him in my arms, cradled my dear Cheshire.

My dear, blind Cheshire.

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