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jack's pov +

i was an hour away from finishing work today and all i really wanted to do was go home, take a shower and enjoy the company of my family, but i was knee-deep in paperwork and articles that i'd definitely be here much longer.

interrupting my work flow, there was a knock on my office door that i didn't even look up from the screen when i allowed them to enter.

glancing from my screen to the door, i did a double take at max's presence shutting the door behind him and standing with his hands firmly in his pockets.

"are you fucking kidding me?!" i exclaimed.

"how's it going, jack?" he greeted with a smile.

"get out" i charged towards him and instantly pushed his body against the door - my anger boiling through my heavy breaths.

max held his hands up to surrender and his eye twitched with fear, "look, i'm just here to apologise".

i gradually began to remember what savannah told me whilst flashbacks of our conversation and my altercation with max years ago came back to me.

i slowly pulled away from him as he relaxed and straightened up his clothing. i rubbed my stubble and paced back towards my desk, waiting for him to speak.

"nice office, never actually got to know what you did back in london or what you do now" he inquired.

i frowned at his nonchalant act, "that doesn't sound like much of an apology to me".

"oh, yeah" max chuckled then took a small breath. "i'm sorry for what i put you through".

"you put me through hell" i corrected. "i was just lucky that i had friends and family who still believed in me but made savannah turn against me and the fact that you went as far as putting me in prison".

"i know, it was insane. but savannah got to your side in the end, she believed you eventually" he told. "well actually, it was after my lies were out that she one hundred percent believed in you".

"are you done?".

"but you're a smart guy, i always knew that - that was one of the reasons why i was afraid to even do what i did. you would have found a way to stop me somehow and it turns out all it took was for you to be such a good person that caleb came clean about it all".

i continued to stare back at him with furrowed brows, only causing him to awkwardly clear his throat.

"i, uh, spoke to savannah. did she tell y-".

"yes. she did".

"can't believe you two are married" he began to slowly pace. "and you have a son, what's his name again?".

i held back from engaging with conversation with him and of course, pushing my son's name to leave his lips.

"oh, it's ethan!" he remembered with a chuckle. "he's a sweet kid, i hope i get to have a child as sweet as him with the right person. anyways, honestly all i came here to do was apologise for everything, you didn't deserve what i did to you and if only there was a way i could repay you".

"you could leave" i retorted.

max nodded and backed away, "i'm sorry".

i subtly rolled my eyes before he got the message and left my office with the door shutting behind him.

i returned back to my desk chair in a slouch and pulled my hands down my face, barely grasping the fact that that idiot is back.

in that moment, my door opened again with sammy and rachel entering.

rachel is a colleague that has been working here since i came back from london, and even though they hate to admit that it's more, her and sammy have a messy situation going on that involves all the sex, but none of the feelings.

"was that max that i just saw leaving here?" sammy gestured behind him and i nodded. "he's out of prison?!".

rachel looked between us both with confusion, "who's max?".

i sighed, "a guy that got me into prison for false accusations back in london".

"he's completely crazy" sammy added. "how is he even allowed to be this close to you?".

"...he's smart, really fucking smart" i stared mindlessly at the pens sitting on my desk, completely ignoring sammy's question. "he's apologetic and acts nice but almost every word that comes out of his mouth is basically an insult or subtle dig".

rachel neared closer, "jack, are you okay?".

"yeah" i shook things off and sat up in my seat more. "just be careful you two, okay? he always knows what he's doing and there's no way in hell that i trust that dickhead yet".

the hostility in my voice clearly stunned them both since i noticed them exchange brief looks.

"hey man, why don't you go home?" sammy advised. "get some rest, food or something. he's clearly stressed you out, it's 4pm and you've been here all day".

"nah, i still have some paperwork and—".

"it's okay, sammy and i will do it" rachel smiled with sammy agreeing, so i smiled lightly at them both.

"thanks guys" i said, starting to pack my things away to head home to my wife and child.


this is an optional read book which is probs why no one reads it but imma still update bc i have an idea that i don't want to waste

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