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savannah's pov +

"hey" johnson opened his door and greeted me with a hug. he bent down slightly to mess up ethan's dark hair. "hey, little man!".

"i'm not little, i'm almost four!" ethan corrected then ran ahead of us into the living room.

we followed his direction as i carried my own hand bag and larger backpack with ethan's belongings.

"thanks again for watching him last minute. our babysitter is sick, jack's at work and the downside of being promoted is how extremely busy i am nowadays" i explained.

"come on, savannah. what type of godfather would i be if i said no?" he chuckled.

i smiled back at him then crouched down to ethan's height, "okay ethan, so you're going to be a good boy for uncle johnson today. daddy will pick you up in a few hours and your favourite toys are all here".

"okay" he nodded, focusing on the miniature toy train in his hands.

"oh and don't give him any popsicles no matter how much he begs. he'll get a tummy ache and he snuck about ten of them to his room yesterday without jack and i knowing" i stood up and said, causing johnson to let out a laugh.

"hey, you've gotta give him credit. that's pretty smart - up top ethan!" he raised his hand as ethan jumped up to high five him.

i glared at johnson's behaviour just as we all heard the front door close, and a pair of heels reaching the room.

"aw, has little ethan come to visit us?" yara walked towards and gave ethan a joyful wave.

"yara, can you keep the popsicles away from ethan? your fiancé is being a child" i folded my arms and gave an unimpressed look at johnson.

"isn't he always?" she replied.

he pouted at her words, but she swatted his arm to play off the joke.

"how are you anyways?" i wondered.

"between wedding planning and my dad still hating the fact that i'm actually getting married, i'm doing great".

"he doesn't hate that you're getting married" johnson pointed out. he sat on the couch and fiddled with the toys that ethan was handing him. "he just hates that you're marrying me".

"well, i'm doing it anyways so who cares?" yara sat beside him and pecked his lips. ethan quickly covered his eyes at the scene and humorously let out a sound of disgust.

"i better get going" i chuckled. "remember - popsicles, johnson".

he rolled his eyes, "yes, i'll keep the popsicles away, savannah".

"oh and he's fine with whatever for lunch, he's not really a fussy eater" i began to say. "but obviously, no nuts since he's allergic....oh wait did i pack his—".

"hey, calm down. we've watched him tonnes of times before" yara rested her hand on my shoulder to calm me.

"i know, i'm just thinking of all the stuff i have to do once i get to work" i huffed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"you'll get through it, savannah" johnson assured.

"yeah" yara agreed, nudging me. "you're a freaking boss now".

i smiled lightly at my friends - thankful to have so many when my work is incredibly hectic like this.

"thank you. ethan, i'm gonna leave you now" i bent down and informed him.

he immediately came in and hugged his little arms around my legs, "bye mommy".

"bye baby" i kissed the top of his head and smoothed down his hair. "see you both later, call me if you need anything".

affair III - happily ever after? ; jack gilinskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora