Talk Nerdy To Me

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I'm Yethad! I'm a space yellow bunny rabbit. I get punched in the face.


I was just punched in the face by a stupid space panda name Haxol. I pull a gun from my robot rabbit leg! That's right! You stupid humans cut off my friggin' leg for good luck! You're lucky I upgraded or else I'd be dead! Anyway, I shoot Haxol in the face.

"I'll get you Yethad!"

He cries like a baby as he flies away in his bamboo airplane. I laugh and scream at him,

"Suck it!"

So anyway, I'm in the nerd world. I walk to the fortress of soli- wait how how do you say that name? Solitaire? No. Soliciting? No. Never mind then.


What the? Some blue phone box just flew by me!

"Watch where you're driving, moron!"

I'd exterminate him! He deserves maximum deletion! Gosh!

I walk into that fortress thing. Inside there's some guy wearing tights. I open my robot rabbit leg. I pull out my gun with a green crystal inside of it. (Just so you know I stole got it after a demolished this bald guy.) I shoot the tights off of him,

"I hate the ballet, sucka!"

I shoot him. He falls off of the platform that he's on. I run over to his computer. I check out his I.D. What a generic name!

I run out of the place. A small person runs beside me. One of his fingers were bitten off. Some tiny guy runs after him yelling,

"Gives (inaudible name) the precious!"

He said his name but I didn't hear it. Yethad can't stand people who talk in the third person.

Also, some weird looking space elf thing teleports out of nowwhere with his fingers parted through the middle. He had a space gun shooting weird things. I run over and kill the weird thing,

"Live long and prosp-"

"Yeah, whatever! I want that gun!"

"I am Spo-"

"I don't care who the crap you are! Just give me the flipping gun!"

He handed me the gun and made that weird hand thing again and teleported away.

Than I see a kid with round glasses and a wand fighting some noseless and pale freak. I walked up to both of them and took both of their wands. I blew up the noseless guy,

"Are you with him?"

I ask. The kid shakes his head no. I give him his wand back. He runs away.

Then a couple guys run by chasing ghosts. The humans also cut off my other foot for "good luck! So I activate my rocket rabbit foot and fly off. Another world, here I come!

Yethad: The Space RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now