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dear anon ❤️,

how about we meet in the auditorium tomorrow? i'm gonna be watching the dance competition  and i'd like to watch with u :))

see you there,
ur dear andrew


Garrett had just gotten Andrew's reply from the latter's locker. How he felt was not easy to explain. His crush, who is a cute boy, wanted to meet him, a boy who he met through anonymous letters. It was legitimately crazy.

Andrew wants to meet him tomorrow at the dance competition, and it was perfect. Garrett wanted to watch too, but he figured that he had nobody to watch with, so he decided not to instead. Well, not until the letter.


dear andrew,

hhhhhh fuck fine i cant say no to a
?face? like that :--(( see u l8r loser dont be too shookt i'll see u at the v back row it's very cold there (we'll get to cuddle then)

i rlly hope this will go wellllll

ur soon-to-be-not anon

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