Hyoa: Hoodie

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Man there's a lot of beyblade ones XD I should add another Pokémon one or Undertale soon

Man there's a lot of beyblade ones XD I should add another Pokémon one or Undertale soon

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Story time: voice in the forestLoa's feet slammed against the ground as she ran at top speed, she heard angry shouts behind her, what had she done wrong!? She didn't know, but she was terrified of what would happen if the angry people of her town ...

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Story time: voice in the forest
Loa's feet slammed against the ground as she ran at top speed, she heard angry shouts behind her, what had she done wrong!? She didn't know, but she was terrified of what would happen if the angry people of her town caught her, so she continued to run, she ran past the train station, past her usual bus stop, past the old playground she and her sister played before she moved to metal city

And finally she was out of town, a valley turned to mountains, and mountains to forests, finally having no more strength in her legs and her lunges felt like fire, she spun and collapsed, sitting against a tree panting extremely heavily, she listened carefully, for even the faintest of voices of her chasers but nothing, she sighed in relief "servers them right" she panted to herself "I may be delicate but I can run" she sighed closing her eyes and resting her head against the tree she sat back against "I'm...never going back, got nothing there to give anymore" Loa sighed to herself standing up "hmmm, might as well keep walking till I find another town or something" she says and begins walking

As she walked she began singing, obviously XD

I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
I give you everything
And all I got was this
I'm still rocking your HOODIE

She flipped the hood of her sweater over her head, dancing a bit as she sang

Still chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And the blader burns
Still rocking your hoodie sister
Even though it hurts
"Hm?" Hyoma turned his head he was sitting in a tree, watching the entrance of the forest for any explorers trying to find Coma, that's when he heard her voice for the first time, already deep in the forest, he jumped down to the ground and broke into a jog headed towards the sweet voice of a singer, how had someone got past him? Had he dozed off? Probably XD

Coming to a small clearing almost at the same time Hyoma hid behind a tree as Loa walked over to a tiny stream and splashed her face "whew..." Loa sighed in relief "finally just a bit of piece even if it's just for a few moments" she sighed sitting back, down carefully "I wonder where this forest leads" she wonders

Hyoma's eyes widen this was a first he's seen someone in the forest who wasn't looking for Coma, could this girl be trusted? He decided not to reveal himself just yet and kept an eye on her

"Hmmmm, oh well, I'll keep walking till I find something" Loa says cheerfully


The cheerfulness didn't last

When night came it grew incredibly cold, not even her sisters hoodie she had on kept Loa warm, she'd been out here for hours and NOTHING, she couldn't go back to her home even if she wanted to

Her singing was really the only thing keeping her from passing out from the cold forest

i'm still rocking your...hoodie
and chewing on the strings...
it makes me think about you
....so I wear it while I sleep
I kept the broken z-zipper
and...blader burns
....still rocking you...
hoodie sister....even tho it hur-

Loa fell her foot hit a tree root, and was to cold to brace herself or try and catch herself, She she laid on the ground, shivering, not one for cold, obviously

Hyoma's eyes widen at her shaking form on the ground and was the last straw for him, he ran over to her and picked her up, his eyes widen her body temperature was awfully low, does this girl get naturally cold?

He decided to take her someplace much more safe and warm


Loa woke up with a start In a warm bed, she gasped and sat up, looking around "wh-where" she panicked

"My Home" Hyoma walked in with a soft smile "I saw you lying in the forest ground freezing almost, so I brought you here" he explains

"Oh...thank you uhhh-"

"Hyoma" he smiled

Loa smiles back lightly "I'm Loa, nice to meet you Hyoma" her eyes widen as she remembered why she was in the forest "uh oh, uhhh I-I don't know where to go now...I can't go back to my home I just can't" she shivered pulling her hoodie up and over

"Hey hey calm down, you can stay here in the village, barley any outsiders come in, so nobody will find you here" Hyoma tells her softly placing his hand on her shoulder, blushing for a reason he couldn't quiet figure out

None the less Loa smiled "thank you Hyoma" she smiled and gave him a hug which made him blush more, but happily accept and hug back


Loa became accustomed to the village rules and traditions quickly, and became Hyoma's partner in keeping outsiders well...out XD

Currently she walked through the bushes and was met by his eyes in the bushes, the two both put their fingers to their lips at the same time, and she made a light jog to the clearing where she first found the stream, there she encountered to men who were talking "evening travelers" she followed her scripts she had memorized by heart "might I ask why you are out in the middle of nowhere?"

She begins talking Hyoma watching all the while in hiding

"I'm sorry but I've been in this area for a few weeks now as a traveler and I assure you there is no village called Coma here" she giggled softly scratching the back of her neck "but I'd be happy to tell you how to get out of the forest"

Thanking her the two men traveling said their goodbyes and left, Loa waited for them to be completely out of sight before busting into a laugh "Hyoma!" She called in between giggles "you can come out now! Did you see their faces!?" She laughed again

Hyoma jumped from the tree onto the grass "it was impressive, you know how to memorize things easily, but I should have expected that since you sing so well as also" he says smirking slightly as he walked closer placing his hands on her shoulders

Loa blushed at this "hehe th-thanks me and my sister loved singing together...before she left for a place called metal city" she sighed "she just left me...right after my mom died, and our dad has left all three of us for another woman, everyone in my life left me...it's...it's hard" Loa sighed covering her face

Hyoma's eyes widen, she had never opened up like that before, he pulled her into a gentle hug and Loa buried her face into the crook of his neck "shhhh, don't worry, I won't be one of those people, I'll stay by your side" he tells her "I Uhh...actually have something for you" he says reaching into a backpack he kept with him

Loa tilted her head at his actions

Hyoma pulled out a light white hoodie with blue buttons and a heart shaped like hood

"I...kinda heard you singing when you first entered the forest, and thought you'd like it" Hyoma says blushing as he placed it over her shoulders

Loa stares at him in shock and awe before glomping him in a big hug "oh i love it thank you so much Hyoma!" She smiled

Word count: 1284

Longest. Chapter. EVER XD

I'm proud

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