Gladison: i wouldn't mind

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The very first ship I believe we made? XD

The very first ship I believe we made? XD

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Story time: saved by a stranger

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Story time: saved by a stranger

she was walking down the dirt road, little Shadowlight by her side, the silver Eevee looked up at it's new trainer with a curious glance, she was on the phone, face timing her friends

"So how's Alola?" Rachel asked through one part of the screen

"It's very wonderful, everything about this place is so pretty and mysterious, plus shadowlight is loving the warm weather" Madison explains she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking at the moment

"I'm glad, I was really worried he wouldn't listen to you very much" Tony says from another corner of the screen, at his name being mentioned the shiny Eevee jumped up onto Madison's shoulder to greet everyone through the phone

"Ahaha, yes Shadowlight we miss you to" Katelyn chuckled "oh, I better get going, officer Jenny says there's suspicious activity down at the Pokemon centre" she explains

"Be safe Katelyn, I should go to" Tony says

"By Madison" Rachel says as well

Madison waved by to her friends before hanging up, she stuck her phone in her pocket before continuing her walk, accidentally bumping into someone in the process "Oof" she grunted as she stumbled over onto the ground, Shadowlight jumping off her shoulder.

"Sorry, you alright?" A voice a over Madison asked, she looked up and saw a male, with blond hair and bright green eyes, in edgy like outfit

"Yes I'm fine, sorry" Madison says dusting herself off a bit "I wasn't watching where I was going"

"Hmm, you should be careful, these few days team skull has been lurking in the rout" the boy informs her, Madison nodded "thank you, names Madison" she says

"Gladion" the boy says back, the exchanged Hi's before Madison beginning to walk off a bit "bye" Gladion says she just gave a gentle wave, Shadowlight padded after her, having a smug look on its small face


A few days rolled around since Madison had bumped into Gladion, she decided she would spend tonight in a hotel since it was close by, she got her room key and headed down the dorms to which she heard someone speaking

"It's gonna be alright Null, we'll just have a neighbor tonight that's all"

The voice sounded familiar but Madison decided not to dwell on it, she continued walking to her room, when this time she heard a little boys voice

"Please give me my Pokemon back!" The boy cried, two team skull grunts had a small pokeball holding it above the buys head

"Come and get it Kid" one female grunt laughed

"Give it back to him!" Madison growled making herself noticed to the scene

"Who's this punk!?" The other, male grunt asks

"No clue" the female says

"Give. It. Back" Madison says again, the two looked at her then the Pokemon with her

"Hey that Eevee you got there looks pretty rare" the male smirked underneath his scarf

Madison's eyes widen as the two sent out their Pokemon, Madison grabbed Shadowlight and held onto him tightly, squeezing her eyes shut as the hallway was filled with smoke from their Salandit using smoke screen

"Use air slash! Then crush claw!!"

Madison's gasped as she heard a voice and a battle going on behind her, but she did not dare open her eyes In fear that they'd take Shadowlight, her precious Pokemon that her friend gave her

The sounds of battle slowly died down until

"You can open your eyes now"

Madison's eyes widen the smoke had cleared nothing but to a grey mist that you could see through a little, Madison looked toward the voice who had saved her, and her eyes brightened at the sight of a familiar face "Gladion" she smiled

Shadowlight even smiled jumping out of Madison's arms and bumping Gladion's leg with a light tackle in thanks

Gladion gave the Pokemon a quick small smile, before standing up "here" he held out his hand, Madison took it and he helped her stand up

"Thank you Gladion" Madison smiled as Shadowlight jumped back into her arms

"Well I couldn't just stand there, I'll walk with you to your room, if your ok with that" Gladion says, a small pink blush on his cheeks just barely visible

Madison smiled with a nod "I wouldn't mind it, at all"

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