Chapter 2: The Plan

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"I don't know if I can do this" I told Frankie and Kylee (two of my best friends) for the millionth time.

"Of course you can. You're awesome, and we all know that you didn't know eating the three chili dogs, pop rocks, and that Mountain Dew would cause such a stink" Said Frankie.

"But it was frecking stupid of you to do it when your IBS ( a disease where your stomach basically hates you) was acting up." My friend Kylee angrily stated.

"I'm sorry. Maybe next time I will replace the Mountain Dew with diet?" I whimper back.

Kylee just rolled her eyes.

"You know there is no next time Deandra" Frankie softly said back.

I felt the familiar sensation behind my eyes. I tried my hardest to hold it back.

Frankie pulled out her moms hair stylist scissors and Kylee solemnly read directions on how to give yourself a decent haircut.




My beautiful golden curls where left upon the floor.Along with my nice and kind personality.

Replaced with a tough, hard one.

It was time for me to go where no Achitison high schooler had ever dared to go before. Our rival school.......

Overland Park.

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