The Cabin

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The Cabin

            The oak door slammed shut. The decayed lock clicked.  I was left alone once more. Adrian was gone. He left me every day for hours at a time. But today was different. He'd be back in an hour, or so he said.

            I waited in the crammed kitchen as the hours soon went from one to five to eight. The small wood cabin grew dark, shadows from the trees dancing on the walls. I tried to reach the lock. I'm too small. Four-year-olds are only so big. The floor creaked underneath me as I bolted towards the window. I heard something crunching up the gravel driveway. As I peeked around the long dusty curtains I saw a massive brown bear walking across the driveway and towards the trees. I ran back to the kitchen, disappointed and scared. I was starting to wish that Adrian was here, but then again after all he'd done do I really want him back? I started to cry. The walls felt like they were closing in on me...

            Finally I heard the lock unlatch. Adrian was back. His burly structure hovered in the doorframe. He crept in. Grunting "Millie." as he pushed me to the ground. I wish I could tell him to let me leave; I'd rather live in the woods than with him. But all I can say is  "Meow." I ran out of the old cabin with my tiny paws slapping the creaky floorboards. I ran towards my freedom and my future.

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