lullaby dawn

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can i hold you to sweetly sleep?

why don't you tell me your secret to keep

you safe from the harm?

your need for me makes me warm

i admire your strength, you're far too brave,

your wisdom and your grave

face please me in the dark,

eyes that reveal that intense amusing spark.

warm coffee, cool breath

cold breeze stirs

bright stars and us

early silent caress

loved how you were my freaky friend,

enter my freaky head, it's okay in the end

go, but please don't leave,

you may tease but you may not deceive.

two halves made this hole

did we really bear our souls, no

too hard this, too bitter, too bold

for ever till we grow numb, too young, too old.

warm coffee, cool breath

cold breeze stirs

bright stars and us,

early silent caress

so i promised you a song.

i never promised you could sing along,

i said i'd be your silver spoon,

didn't think you'd dig our grave with it under some violent moon.

warm coffee, cool breath,

cold breeze stirs

dull stars, no us.

no silent caress


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