preparation to base makeup

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— cleansing
it is so important to cleanse your face before doing anything with it. it's nice to have a refresh face so you can prepare for makeup !!

— exfoliate
this is a choice so it's not required or anything. after you cleanse, don't dry your skin. leave it wet for exfoliation. exfoliating can be sensitive to some, so use mild exfoliating products. don't do this everyday !! 2-3 times a week.

— hydration
a toner helps remove any remaining waste that's left after cleansing. a mild and light moisturizer protects your skin from makeup before you apply it. when applying moisturizer, use your fourth fingers for less irritation.

— spf
it's important to include sunscreen in your skin routine because it not only protects you from the sun, but it give you a nice healthy glow and moisture. it's best to have a moisturizer that has spf in it.

— base makeup
alcohol, acrylic, bismuth oxychloride, and parabens are ingredients that you want to avoid because they can irritate your skin or cause breakouts.

— other tips
don't forget your neck area !! make sure you get a product that's a right match for your skin tone. for soft and smooth skin, start with a little product and then layer on top instead of applying a thick layer that will make it cakey. don't forget to wash your makeup off properly at the end of the day!!

yt: wishtrend tv


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