prepared for getting head

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— taste
sis you wanna taste a bit sweet so your man or girl can enjoy. start eating good foods like pineapple, cranberry, watermelon, and yogurt.
you are what you eat so if you eating salty ass foods and junk you gonna taste like it.
don't forget to drink ya water💦

— smell
in between your thighs, NOT close to your vagina, rub vaseline and spray perfume of your choice. the vaseline will make the scent last and your partner will be pleased.

— waxing/shaving
it depends on what your partner likes. if they don't mind hair it's cool. waxing last longer and gives you a smooth finish.
shaving with coconut oil will my your area a lot smoother.

— wash yourself
get a body soap that is not strongly scented and a washcloth to clean yourself. make sure it's soapy sis and clean your crotch area.
DO NOT go in your hole i promise you that will throw off your pH balance and your shit will burn it happened with me and perfume when i was younger don't try it sis.

twitter: @/tipssgalore


take care of yourself
and be safe

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