February (4) Home - Part III

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My sister had been dating John Paul Reynolds-Abernathy IV long enough for me to know his schedule pretty well. When I set out to find him, I knew he was likely at the nearby theatre, a place he frequented in afternoons, I guess taking in the atmosphere or whatever.

With a father like his, he didn't need any experience. Fuck, he didn't even need talent.

But today wasn't about JP's incompetence to write anything meaningful.

When I reached the theatre, I walked to the back door, guessing he'd emerge from there. Lilly called, multiple times, but I didn't answer. She probably realized I had let JP off the hook too easily and guessed what I was up to. After about ten minutes, I wrote her a short text, telling her not to worry, and turned off my phone.

I thought back to the talk we had had. Mia most likely really wouldn't be too happy about my being here, but someone had to do it. Somebody needed to put that prick into his place, and I couldn't think of anyone doing it instead of me.

The door opened. My body tensed up as I watched people exiting the theatre. But I didn't see him. He was probably still gaining experience.

It was already getting late, and the chilly winds started blowing up and down the street. The jacket I had on didn't provide much protection, and as the minutes were passing by, I found myself shivering from cold. Not to mention, the smell of the dumpsters wasn't one of the pleasant ones, but I had no intention of moving.

I turned on the phone again, hoping to distract myself from the clear message my body sensors were sending me. As expected, Lilly bombarded me with texts and calls. I didn't bother opening any of them, I just sent her another one, assuring her everything was alright.

Then one of the missed calls caught my attention. Firstly, because it wasn't from Lilly, and secondly, because it was from Philippe.

It took me a minute to connect the name with a face.

Mia's father? What was he calling me for? We hadn't talked in months, since Mia's birthday in May. Why would he, of all people, call me so out of the blue? Sure, I would understand Lars calling me, for we were friends.

Maybe I am prone to pessimism, I don't know, but the first notion that went through my mind was less than a pleasant one. Did something happen to Mia, and Philippe thought I would like to know, preferably before the news hits the media?

The sole thought was unbearable, and I would call Philippe back right there, right then, if the door didn't fling open and JP walked out.

He didn't see me. He was talking on his cell, completely immersed in his bubble. He spoke in his usual high tone, full of presumptuousness. What my sister ever saw in him, I have no idea, let alone what made Mia believe he was anything other than a pathetic prick. But I guess he knew his way with words, given he was an aspiring playwright.

"I know, Stacy, and I am telling you, it will be amazing! The underdog getting his big break, all thanks to his talent and perseverance, not to mention his kindness ..."

I stepped closer to him. Maybe he noticed my shadow, maybe he sensed something behind him.

His eyes went big when he realized it was me looking back at him. There was fear in his eyes and I could see his composure fading away with a speed of sound.

He stuttered as he spoke up again.

"Stacy, I gotta call you back, alright?" he said.

It gave me so much pleasure, seeing the effect I had on him.

"Michael," he attempted a smile, but it was a sour one, "I didn't know you were already back from Korea!"

"It's Japan," I coolly corrected him, "and I am not back, I am just visiting my family for the weekend."

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