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I want the tranquil of your brilliant eyes.

I want to hear all the poems of William Blake read aloud

constantly pouring from your mouth.

I heard you could adapt to your surroundings

and I did adapt to you.

You were a true child of Neptune.

Born under the sign of Pisces.

I constantly was able to a greater success

be able to navigate around your illusions.

Violet, green, and turquoise.

all resigned inside my mind creating an illustrative picturesque guide.

Through all these hollow sleepiness nights and that blue hour.

 I have learned how to remodel my behaviour. 

You said to me "Sometimes I have to go away and be by myself

because I feel the emotions of everyone else.

It was something that has been with me since birth.

It is my own curse."

That left an impression inside my mind.

And it made sense to me.

All those times I would see you at parties and you'll quickly would leave.

I just blamed it on you suffering from social anxiety.

Now you never come around me and I miss your company.

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