The Letter from the Heavens

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Drops of rain fall down from the only cloud,

The crack is heard like a striking sound,

Boom! Goes the Thunder

Crash! Goes the Lightning

Together they form a fateful storm.

A tornado twirls this way.

Together they all perform.

Perform a play of destruction.

The news always warns us all.

To make sure we know of the abduction.

The tornadoes takes what it wants.

It kidnaps our homes.

It kidnaps our loved ones.

I cannot take it any longer.

This horror only grows stronger.

I open the door.

I raise my arms and feel the rain on my skin.


The lightning hits.

And my vision is blank.

For I no longer will be awake.

A bright light blinds me.

Am I free?

Free from this darkness?

I feel so happy.

I feel so loved.

I see a golden gate.

On it a lightning bolt is engraved.

For I am dead and in heaven.

With all my dearest friends.

That was the strike of the heavens.

It was time for me to go.

It was time for me to know.

Know of this glorious place.

I'm in my own mother's beautiful gown made of lace.

I am full of tranquility here.

Contented and peaceful my dear.

I leave this message behind before I die.

It is meant for my baby I left alone.

I'm sorry I had to go, but I was sick.

I needed to leave child.

When you are older you will read this soon.

When we are both looking at the moon,

We will be together too. 

Ps. I love you.

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