ii. Codename: Diarrhea Discussion

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Alana was hopeful that the diarrhea discussion would be forgotten quickly and her late arrival might be overlooked

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Alana was hopeful that the diarrhea discussion would be forgotten quickly and her late arrival might be overlooked. Unfortunately, as it often happens in her group of friends, she wasn't so lucky and both were brought up as soon as possible.

During one of their minuscule band breaks, the only thing that was keeping Alana going in the heat of that September, Owen appeared next to her at the watercooler, followed closely by two of their friends Laila and Ian. Casually filling up their water bottles at the two coolers, Owen waited until Alana had taken a rather large gulp of water before asking, "so did Mr. Reed buy your diarrhea excuse?"

It wasn't the question she was expecting from him. The water was halfway down her throat, but didn't make it any farther as she spurted part of it out her nose and coughed the other part out. Laila and Ian quickly ducked out of the way, but Owen didn't, letting a few water droplets hit him.

"Ahh, so refreshing," he deadpanned as Alana continued to cough, water dribbling down her chin and onto the slightly wet, black t-shirt she was wearing.

Once she was able to breathe again, she gave him a weak glare, jabbing her finger towards him. "The diarrhea discussion was never to be mentioned ever again after those two minutes we had it."

Holding up his hands in mock surrender, he said, "hey I'm not the one who even started the diarrhea discussion. I just wanted to know if it worked, since Ian here wouldn't give me the dirty deets. You were the one to come up with the plan."

She opened her mouth, only to close it seconds later. She actually couldn't argue with that. Not that she wasn't at least willing to try. "That doesn't mean you bring it up again!"

He shrugged, ready to retaliate, when Laila stepped forward.

"As entertaining as it is to watch you two talk about this," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "What the hell is the diarrhea discussion?"

Alana groaned. If she never heard those two words in a sentence together again, she would be happy forever.

Raking a hand through her jumbled, windblown hair -she had forgotten to tie it up beforehand- she closed her eyes, hoping Owen wouldn't say anything.

Owen, on the other hand, grinned, his hands twitching to rub together like an evil villain from an old Disney movie. "Well, my dearest friend, when we were running late to band –"

"Wait, you were both running late to band?" Laila said, turning to grin at her friend. Alana rolled her eyes, knowing her friend was getting the wrong idea. "I was outside so I just saw Owen, but oh my what were you doing – ouch!"

Alana batted her eyes as Laila rubbed the side where she had jabbed her elbow in order to get her friend to stop talking.

"Thank you my dearest Ali." Alana, Laila, and Ian all let out a groan at the nickname. "Now, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, we were running late to band and someone hadn't been smart enough to get a pass. So, we had to think of excuses. And our dearest friend here decided.... Well, she decided she was going to tell Mr. Reed she had diarrhea.... In front of the whole band.... Well, the half that was in there anyway."

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