two || original

189 6 6

Music expresses that which cannot be said
and on which it is impossible to be silent.
~Victor Hugo ~

"Alana!" She heard the voice over the small crowd of people waiting for rides. She had been looking for her ride, Eli, since Alex needed the car. She had finally found her standing by the doors with Laila. She started down towards them, but was distracted by a guy heading the other direction. His soft looking black hair was enough to make her turn around and catch up to him.

"Hey!" She had caught up to him and was now walking next to him. He glanced at her without saying anything. "I'm Alana. I'm in your Spanish class. Ah, buenos noche?"

He smirked. "It's too early for buenos noche; try buenos días instead."

"Oh right," she let out a nervous giggle all the while twisting a strand of hair around her finger. She could only hope it wouldn't knot or get stuck. "Um so what's your name?"


"Well Em-" she was interrupted as two people linked their arms through hers.

"Hey don't mind us," Arista said flashing her famous grin at Emmett. It was the grin that had made thousands of boys fall her and Alana felt a twinge of envy when she directed it towards him. He wouldn't even look twice at Alana now. "We're just gonna steal this loser. Tata!"

"Nice to meet you!" She shouted attempting to wave as Arista and Laila dragged her backwards. "See you in Spanish!"

The minute they were out of earshot she whirled around, glaring at the two idiots she called friends. Both were grinning without showing any amount of sorry.

"What was that about?"

"You were flirting," Arista said shrugging, "With a cute guy."

"No dip Sherlock!" Alana shouted attempting to hit the back of her head but failing when she ducked with a giggle. "Why'd you have to interrupt?"

"Well I'm still voting on you and Owen," Laila said with a smirk as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. Alana marveled at how she could do that, especially with her waist length hair. Alana's hair reached just past her shoulder and she couldn't flip it without either the wind blew it into her face or it got tangled.

"Ick," was her only comment as she pulled a face.

Laila continued on as though she had never said a thing, which only caused her to pull another face. "And if you flirt with other guys that ruins my whole plan."

"Plan?" Alana raised an eyebrow.

"Ugh don't ask," Eli said. Her face scrunched up whether in disgust or for Alana's well being, she couldn't tell. "She had that evil glint and then wouldn't shut up. But anyway can we go now?"

"Yep!" Laila shouted her keys suddenly out and twirling around her finger. "Let us be gone!"

Everybody started walking except Alana who was just a bit more confused than usual. She ran to catch up with everybody.

"Wait are you taking us all home?" She asked Laila who nodded. Still confused she looked at Eli for help.

"Car's in the shop," Eli explained. "Mom's been using Tara's car when she can."

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