Chapter 11: Havent Met You Yet

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*Katora in media*

I was so pissed at her. How could she allow herself to get like this? She wouldn't be like this if you hadn't pushed her away. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts. I looked over at her , sleeping in the passenger seat. Jade was following behind us in Giovanni's car. She was so beautiful, but she smelt like pure throw up and it was fucking with my stomach. We reached my house moments later and I opened the front door to our home. Jade helped me get her inside and I thanked her as Katora pulled up. "Hey Nat!" She called from the car. I waved at her and smiled. "How is she?" She asked me. "She just needs water and lots of rest." I said. "Text me in the morning bro , I'm tired." Jade said. I waved them off and closed the door. I carried her up the stairs and put her in the shower as I washed both of our bodies off. I washed her hair and towel dried it before laying her in bed. I grabbed lotion and moisturized her body. I then grabbed a trash can placing it on her side of the bed before heading downstairs to throw our clothes in the washer. I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and some Tylenol. I placed it on the night stand next to her and climbed into bed. I laid with my back facing her, I was deadass mad at this girl. "Babe.." She said. My eyes opened, "Yea?" I replied. "I love you." She said. I rolled over to face her, but before I could say anything I heard her lightly snoring. She was done for the night.

*Giovanni's POV*

We beat them in two rounds of liquor pong, I never really played the game but I did play ball in high school so my shot was pretty decent. I was hella drunk by now from shots and cups of alcohol that Bri would occasionally bring me. I felt so goood, my mind was no longer on Nat or the fact that she's been dubbin me all fucking day. Annalise pulled out her phone as the dj bumped a song I could shake my ass to. I felt my bikini bottoms slip in between my ass as I danced. "You lit bihhhhh!" She screamed in my ear and I laughed. I drunkly walked over to the bar and made a blue Long Island. I downed the drink instantly regretting it. I felt my mouth water, running to the bathroom Bri took me to when I first got here. The back of my throat burned as my stomach poured out into the toilet. I dropped to my knees , not caring that my hair was in the toilet as well. I felt my hair being pulled up as I heard her voice. "Damn babygirl, you ok?" She asked. Bitch, do I look ok? Instead of speaking the thoughts that popped into my head, I moaned out as I threw up some more. My stomach was hurting so fucking bad, I never in my life been this drunk. I've always been able to hold my liquor. My room spun as I fell over. "Shit!" Bri groaned. She helped me back up and held my hair. I wiped my mouth as I hugged the toilet bowl. Moans escaped my mouth as my stomach turned. I felt water form in my mouth and I knew I was about to throw up again. I swear to god I'm never drinking again.
My eyes fluttered open as I felt my mouth water. I instantly hopped up, stumbling out of bed. My head was pounding, but I ignored every inch of pain I was feeling. All I knew was that I had to throw up and quick. I ran into a wall as I found the bathroom, I lifted the toilet bowl seat and emptied my stomach. I groaned as I held my stomach and rubbed my head. When I was sure I didn't have to throw up anymore, I stood up and noticed that I was back at Nat's. How did I get here? I walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth. I looked down at my naked body trying to remember my night. " why you up, woman?" Nat was standing there, sleep still in her eyes. My stomach caught butterflies at the sight of her. I rinsed my mouth as she came up behind me. Her fingers brushing against my stomach as she kissed my shoulders. "So you love me huh?" My eyes found hers in the mirror. My knees buckled as pain shot through my lower abdomen.  "Are you ok ?" She asked helping me up. Before I could answer I found myself emptying my stomach into the sink.

I followed the ambulance as we made our way to the hospital. Giovanni was super dehydrated. My lips touched the blunt as Jhene Aiko played lowly from the car radio.  I followed closely running every red light the ambulance drove through. Hearing her voice tell me she loved me calmed me but I was still pissed at her. Pissed at myself too, but at her for getting so sloppy, now look. I finished off the blunt as I pulled into the parking lot. I sprayed a little cologne and then headed into the hospital. "Hi!, my girl was just rushed in here ..I need to know what room I can find her in?" An older white lady peeked at me from the top of her glasses. "Have a seat..I'll let you know when she's ready to be seen." I starred into the soul of this white lady without saying a word or moving. " if she just got here, then she'll need to be processed into our system. Be patient, have a seat!" She said turning away from me. My nose flared as I took a seat.
"Excuse me! You can go in now!" I woke to a nurse standing over me. I was slouched in a hospital chair, didn't even know how long I was out for. "You can see her now." The nurse repeated. I stood and followed her down a long Hall and onto an elevator, it was quiet until she spoke. "She's lucky, ya girl..she's lucky ya know?" Was she trying to hit on me? "How's that? If anything, I'm the lucky one." She turned and smiled at me as the elevator doors opened. "Well your not the one with the baby." She said stepping off the elevator. Did she just say baby? "With all the alcohol she consumed, she could've lost the's like the baby was rejecting the alcohol from her system." My feet was frozen to the elevator floor. Did she say baby ? Naw I gotta be tripping .

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