25. Contracts + Confessions

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I'm back, y'all 😘 I recommend re-reading the last few paragraphs of the last chapter to get re-oriented! Also, I left you an update at the end of this chapter, so make sure to read that


We're standing in front the doorway to the second most memorable room in Jayce's house: the office.

Turns out, it's his dad's. Which is a little strange to think about, considering what was happening the last time Jayce and I were in here, but whatever.

"I want to find the contract he re-wrote," Jayce struts over to a black safe the size of a refrigerator. "I'm wondering what other answers Jeffers twisted."

His eyes narrow in thought as he focuses in on the safe's numbered keypad, clearly trying to figure out what code his dad would use to keep his valuables from falling into the wrong hands.

I watch him think for several tense, silent moments. There's a crease in between his eyebrows and he looks extremely determined and extremely handsome, of fucking course.

He steps forward and hits the numbers of the keypad, every selection causing a small beep to cut the silence in the office.

The lock flashes with a red error message.

He tries again.


He exhales sharply in frustration. Running his fingers through his curls, he bites down on his bottom lip as he tries one more combination.

Beeeeeep. The light flashes green and the sound of the bolt sliding open greets my eager ears. Add Alexei's safe to the list of things I've been involved in breaking into since meeting Jayce.

"His combination was my birthday?" Jayce breathes under his breath, looking very confused indeed.

I don't blame him. I'm surprised that Alexei would have a single ounce of anything sentimental in his entire body. Even if it is a lock combination.

Jayce moves the large, thick door open and instantly begins rustling through its contents. I think I hear him gasp a little and I try to get a good look inside, curiosity zipping through my brain, but my view is pretty well blocked by Jayce's damn muscles and broad shoulders.

"I'm looking for stuff from fourteen years ago, yeah?"

"That's what Jeffers said," I raise onto my tiptoes, itching to see what Alexei Solis keeps locked away. "Finding anything?"

"I think so..." Jayce mumbles before turning around with a thick file in his hand.

I take my chance and glance inside the safe... which is disappointingly unsuspicious. Files. Stacks of papers. Several piles of cash. A few bottles of wine. At the very top, I spy some framed photos that look like they're of a family of four, but I can't get a good enough look at them before Jayce pushes the safe door mostly closed.

He drops the file on the desk and flips it open, hunching over to flick through the papers.

I stand there awkwardly, unsure of what to do with myself. My damn brain only seems to be capable of thinking about what was going on the last time I was in this room... the last time Jayce was doing something on this desk.


I try to push the thoughts to the back of my head, but fail entirely in that endeavor.

Luckily, before I can become completely inebriated with thoughts of me and Jayce's moments together, he stands up straight, holding a sizable stack of papers that's secured with a binder clip.

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