7. Pickups + Poison

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Part 2/3 for this update! Go back to chapter 6 if you haven't read it yet!

"What in the hell are you doing here?" Jayce's low, annoyed voice fills my ears.

My heart is pounding. I don't let go of the door handle and I refuse to turn around and look at him. I know myself well enough at this point to realize that any more glances of Jayce's shirtless body might cause a heart attack.

"I'm working," I reply flatly. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here," he responds, scoffing at my ignorance. "Aimee is my cousin."

"You live here?" I finally turn around, just to see if he's lying, but his features remain stoic. He's facing away from me, standing over the sink and ringing water out of his shirt. I force my eyes to stay glued to his face, and not wander down his beautifully sculpted, bronze abdomen.

"I just said that I did," he says in what I would guess to be his famous asshole tone. He ruffles his hair and lays his shirt out on the counter, his eyes finally meeting mine.

His stare causes my breath to catch in my throat. He's absolutely, suffocatingly handsome. God, it's annoying.

I can feel my heart beating throughout my entire body as his gaze trails from my toes up to my face.

He opens his mouth to say something when Celeste bursts in from outside so suddenly that I'm barely able to jump out of the way of being slammed by the glass door.

"Oh, good! You've met," Celeste says in her perfect, Hispanic accent. "This is my son, Jayce."

Another wave of shock washes over me. There's no fucking way. Unless Celeste had Jayce at age 13, there's no way she's old enough to have a son in the 12th grade. She looks too damn good.

"Uhh, seriously?" I ask stupidly, unable to shake the shock.

Celeste laughs a brilliant, melodic laugh before pinching my cheek. "I like you, eh..." She trails off, realizing she doesn't know my name.

"Fallon," Jayce finishes for her, his eyes on me.

I have to keep myself from shivering when he says my name. I hate this. Why the fuck does he make me so weak?

"Such a beautiful name!" Celeste claps her hands together and regards me warmly. "What does it mean?"

That's a great fucking question. "I'm not too sure," I answer, suddenly feeling stupid for not knowing the answer.

Celeste frowns slightly, her accent bubbling out from between her plump lips, which are the same as Jayce's. "I love intentional names. Jayce's name is Greek, like his father. It means a healing."

I notice Jayce flinch slightly out of the corner of my eye and I look at him questioningly. He doesn't meet my gaze.

"Mi amor," Celeste then turns toward Jayce. "Your father's chauffeur broke down an hour away and all the other drivers are farther from him than we are. Will you go pick him up? ¿Por favor?" She tosses him some shiny keys from off the counter.

Jayce nods his head, smoothly snatching the keys out of the air with a tinkling sound. "For sure," he says, quickly looking at me with an unreadable expression before disappearing into the house, hopefully to put a damned shirt on.

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