Pills And Potions..We're Overdosing

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Bridget knocked on Delilah's door. ''Come on, I know you're in there,'' Bridget said, knocking on the door. ''Come on, open up, I'm sorry that I left you the other day,'' Bridget said, knocking on the door,again. Bridget came inside. ''Delilah...?" Bridget asked, looking around.

"Delilah, are you home?" Bridget asked, looking in her room. Bridget went by the bathroom. "Are you in there?" Bridget asked. Bridget went inside and saw her bleeding, the pills, and Delilah unconscious on the ground. "Oh my...." Bridget gasped, in shock.

Bridget pulled out her phone and called 911. "911, what's your emergency?" 911 asked. Then, the ambulance and police came. The ambulance took Delilah to the hospital. Bridget went inside the hospital and ran to the nurse.

Bridget was crying. "My friend just got here in an ambulance, what room is she in!?" Bridget asked, crying. "What is her name, darling?" the nurse asked. "Delilah Fields," Bridget said, crying even more. "Right this way, please," Nurse said.

The nurse walked Bridget by the room. "She's in critical condition, you're lucky you called soon.." the nurse said. The nurse left, and Bridget went inside to Delilah. "It's all my fault," Bridget said. " I should've been there for you," Bridget said.

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