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When we got to the small breakfast diner we got more than enough stares I walked past a window and almost screamed in horror but Percy quickly covered my mouth with his hand. My make-up was smeared, my hair in curly knots, and my clothes all wrinkled. "I look awful!" I whisper scream "So do I but I'm not bringing even more attention to us!" Annabeth whisper shouts back "I see no difference!" I hiss. I do not like Annabeth she insulted my father not to mention my siblings who besides my mom are the most important thing in my life. If she insults my ma I swear I'll kill her. "Would you guys like a table?" a woman around 20 asks in a singy songy voice. The way Percy was watching her with wide eyes and a dreamy expression made my blood boil with jealousy "No bitch we came to eat on the floor carpet for 4" I mutter under my breath apperently only Annabeth heard it and she sniggered silently. I felt like crap looking like this and compared to this girl with long black silky hair and beautifully unusual red eyes. And pale skin. She led us to a table and gave us menus I sat across from Percy next to Grover in our booth Grover and Percy were watching her everymove from the top of their menus "You creeps" I whisper shout "Taylor come with me to the bathroom" Annabeth whispers glancing around nervously "Um ok" I say following her to the bathroom "Is it just me or is something not right about the waitress" She asks fixing herself infront of the mirror I start to to do the same wiping of my eyeliner and putting a fresh layer on. I take out a brush from my bag and start to run it through my golden hair as a natural insinct living with 3 little sisters I start to brush Annabeth's hair but she doesn't say anything so I continue "Ya somethings not right" I say handing her some tic tacs and stuffing some in my mouth as well "What if it's not just a..." I start realizing the danger to answer screams come from outside the bathroom I stuff everything in my pale yellow bag and snap my band running out of the bathroom my bow and arrow ready. The beautiful waitress grew fangs her black hair was swirling around her face. And one leg became a goats leg and the other became made of bronze. Empousa. How did I not see it. She was sweet talking Percy and Grover to come closer and they were following instructions their eyes bright red she was starting to put them to sleep so she can drain them of their blood and eat their flesh I shot an arrow hitting my target her arm she turned around hissing "Your charms don't work on us" I shout "Wake up the boys while I distract her" I whisper to Annabeth she nods I shoot an other arrow hitting her goat leg since it will only bounce off her bronze leg. She hissed "I bet your going to miss your little boyfriend" she hisses exposing her pearly white fangs she grabs a now sleeping Percy by the hood of his navy sweatshirt I shoot her arm thinking it will make her drop Percy but it didn't I shoot her leg making a loud clanking sound hopeing the loud sound will wake up Percy but it didn't at this point Annabeth had Grover awake. Grover was playing his reed pipes trying to get Percy to wake up but that didn't work either "Taylor sing!" Annabeth shouts as Empusa was draging them towards her "What do I sing!" I shout panicked "Um I dunno! Something!" Gover shouts trying his hardest not to listen to Empusa's voice and look into her eyes. I open my mouth to shout I don't know what to sing when Empousa threw one my my arrows penetrating my arm "Son of a bitch!" I shout taking the bloody arrow out of my arm I start then just start to sing one of my favorite songs "Take me to your best friends turn around this rounda bout take me to your best friends I loved you then and I love you now!" I start. in a minute Percy wakes up wide eyed I shoot her stomach. and she groans in pain dropping Percy. Percy uncaps riptide stabbing her back she bursts into dust leaving my 4 arrows on the ground covered in the golden blood. I pick them up putting them in my quiver then I snap my band so they disapear "The slut injured me with my own weapon!" I shout "I've never heard you cuss this much" Percy says "Apperently she does in frustration anger and pain Percy who would blame her" Annabeth defends "Ok we need to lay you down in sun but for now we need to get out of here" Grover says we nod Percy helps me on my feet then picks me up bridal style. "Ok the police should be here soon so we need to find an exit away from the front" Percy says I wrap my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall although it felt good being so close to him.


I picked her up being careful not to hurt her bloody left arm "Ok the police should be here soon so we need to find an exit away from the front" I say. Victoria wraps her her arms around my neck sending shivers down my back. Her ermm chest...was pressed against mine making me want to blush. I heard the sirens outside so we ran into the kitchen and out into an alley way we stopped hiding behind cars to avoid the people surrounding the small diner. We get into the car Grover starts the truck right away I lay Victoria's body in the back seats kneeling by her head stroking her hair "Percy I'm not dying" she teases twisting a lock of my hair in her index finger. I smile sheepishly "I just need some direct sunlight" she insists getting up and putting her arm next to the window soon the flesh is appearing and it was actually kind of disturbing. She starts to mumble things in Greek looking up at the sun. "Ok we're going to drive until nighttime we should be able to make it to Trenton by nighttime" Annabeth says looking at a map "Trenton..." I ask "Trenton New Jersey" Victoria answers

-1- Kissing Sunshine *Percy Jackson*Where stories live. Discover now