Like Father

193 29 12

Part 1

Helia scrubbed the coffee mug, staring beyond the window blinds.

From the kitchen, outside visibility was limited to the neighbor's window, straight across. Based on the state of the window, no one appeared to live in 12B. Though, it had been occupied since as long as Helia could remember.

Her thoughts made her sloppy, causing soapy water to slosh onto her face.


Her eyes stung, and she wiped at the wetness with her sleeve. When her vision cleared, she focused once more on the neighbor's window. A dark void, in rectangle shape. Then, a flicker of movement, so unexpected, it jarred her heart.

Bright, beady eyes stared out from between heavy curtains.

Helia jumped, the mug slipping from her hands. She winced in anticipation of a complete shatter, but the it only thumped on the kitchen rug.

"She came over here again," Ty tossed out from the living room.

Helia retrieved the mug and frowned. The she her father had mentioned was the owner of beady eyes, and apparently a nosy neighbor.

"And you told her..."

Ty picked up the thread of her sentence, as he often did. "I told her I have a doctor, and don't need her voodoo."

As if to contradict the statement, her father erupted in a coughing fit, the kind of coughing that made you feel uncomfortable. It seemed endless, underscored by an unknown...wetness.

With damp hands, Helia rushed to the living room. The coughing scared her, and this time, it sounded particularly bad. When it petered out, she offered her father a glass of water, and a paper towel to wipe his mouth.

Only a few months ago, when she had tried to help him, he'd railed at her, throwing things, and shouting. Even set in his wheelchair, the behavior had been terrifying. Ty was a large man, but had lately started to diminish. A breakdown of muscle mass was to be expected, as per the latest doctor assessment.

Now, Ty accepted Helia's care with grace, swearing he was fine, just hungry, thank you very much. He also insisted she leave him alone in favor of getting to work.

Helia eyed Ty, intent on hovering, like those helicopter moms other people complained about. Then, she glanced at the clock, and begrudgingly heeded her father.


Fifteen minutes later, Helia emerged from her bedroom, dressed in worn down, but comfy, blue coveralls.

She reached to tie her long, thick hair into a bun, amused and proud of the scene taking place.


"I'm full, thanks." Ty waved the bot off, but it insisted.

Waving the spoon in his face, the bot repeated, "Swallow. You'll feel worlds better."

Ty chuckled, and the bot took the chance to shove the spoon in his semi-open mouth. Half-choking, half-laughing, Ty glared at Helia.

Though she knew it might hurt his feelings, she couldn't help dissolving in giggles, like a kid. Then again, watching a bot spooon feed her father was every child's dream, or maybe just hers.

Helia's dreams had shrunk of late, ever since she'd received the call that pop had collapsed at work. Without hesitation, she'd left her dorm and small computer business two-hundred miles behind, resettling at home.

ON A BLACK MOON SEA ~A Halloween Anthology~Where stories live. Discover now