Chapter Thirteen:

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EDITED: Chapter Thirteen: 

The rest of vacation passed much too quickly for my own good, and soon we were back into our regular schedule of Hogwarts classes and nothing much more.  It was boring.  I was so bored, I just wanted something exciting to do for once. 

I ate when Scorpius made me, and even when he was nowhere to be found. I was really getting into the good habit of eating even if I wasn't hungry and I'd put on a bit of weight. I was still slender but it was the healthy kind, not the skin and bones kind.  I felt prettier too, boys seemed to notice me more often, some even asked me to go to Hogsmeade with them. 

But I was too busy being with Scorpius and Cherish for many other people, we trained.  Apparently, there were more spells that I didn't know, ones that had been invented after my own original year. Not that Cherish knew about the fact that I was from the past, I think she mostly just assumed I was stupid or was homeschooled before I was brought into Hogwarts. 

"It needs to be a swift flick, as if you're going to throw your wand. Debilito! Try it again." 

I sighed, brushing my hair away from my face as I followed Charity's instructions.  The mannequin I'd been practicing on suddenly had scratches going up and down its body, looking gruesome.  I dont think I'd ever need to use that spell, and even if I did need to, I wasn't sure I could do that to an actual person.

Charity cast a spell to restore the mannequin to its former glory before giving me a thumbs up.  "That was great, Spencer.  Now try 'dissiliunt', it's almost the same as expulso, but dissiliunt is specifically for people. It doesn't make them explode, well it would if they were naked, but otherwise it causes their clothing to spontaneiously combust.  Chances are it'll leave them with some third degree burns, but mostly it will just really freak them out and give you the advantage in a duel."

"Why do I need to know these things?" 

"Spencer, Professor Black and the others told me I needed to teach you these things, you're in our year you might as well learn something new.  Now try it, you swish it downwards, your wand pointing straight at their chest, and say the word.  Dissiliunt.  Go," Scorpius moved out of the way, standing behind me as did Cherish as I stared at the mannequin intently.

I grunted, doing as he said, over and over with his help as he taught me.  It took a bit under an hour for me to master it, but soon the mannequins clothes were bursting into flames and Charity was shouting out 'aguamenti' to put out the fire I'd started. 

"You're doing really well Spencer, this is going great!"

"Try 'Sectumsempra'.   It was a spell your father invented when he was our age, but it didn't come into the knowledge of the public until after the Wizarding War. Its an easier one but really vicious.  Cher, we'll need to keep standing behind her just in cast for this one. Now, Spencer, just flick your wrist. Sectumsempra."

Taking a deep breath, I aimed my wand at the abdomen of the object before flicking it, saying the word calmly yet with as much feeling as I could. I gasped as the mannequins chest seemed to split open and felt sick to my stomach. Why would my father ever design this spell?  It was horrid! 

But I said nothing outloud. 

Day after day after day we trained, I wasn't told why, at first it had started out as something I thought we could do for fun, something we could do that would have us be able to spend more time together as friends before I went back to my own time. But it turned into something different, I still enjoyed the time, I enjoyed learning, but it wasn't just for fun anymore. 

There was a seriousness in the air that had taken me a while to notice, and it wasn't coming from Charity or I.  Scorpius was completely serious, he was treating this like a job, and it made me wonder just what exactly Sirius Black had told my friend. 

Soon our time together was coming to an end, we'd finally stopped training after I'd learned a good twenty or so new spells and had mastered them completely, and this day, we'd decided we would all go to Hogsmeade and have a bit of fun because in just a couple of days, I'd be gone.. hopefully back to my own time.

Well we'd hoped we could all go. Cherish decided last minute she needed to study for a test she had coming up and Scorpius decided it would be a good day to get detention. 

So I'd be going alone. 

Not that I minded, technically I wasn't completely alone, I walked into Hogsmeade surrounded by other children from third year and older, they were just all strangers.  I moved through the shops, stopping occasionally to stare into the windows before coming to a larger shop with lots of lights and animations. 

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

I smiled, not having known that their idea of a joke shop would have lasted and kept on. But here was their shop, the Weasley's hadn't given up on their idea and it looked to be a really prosperous place.  Children were going in and coming out with bags full of things. 

I had to see the inside. I wanted to more than anything right at that moment.

"Spencer!" I looked towards where I'd heard the voice, bypassing the shelves full of candies and fake chickens and wants, horns and toys only to see Fred Weasley. Of course you'd see him, said my mind sarcastically, this is his shop.

I grunted to myself before heading his way, smiling despite the fact that I was wary of his wandering hands.  But he was still my Fred. I'd had a crush on his brother and him both at one point in time, they were my best friends all of our school lives.  Well all of my school life, I met them while they were in second year right after boarding the train to Hogwarts. 

"Hi Freddie."

"Good morning, gorgeous.  How have you been? I haven't seen you in a good few weeks.  School treating you well, making good grades, paying attention?"

I stared at him before snorting, grabbing a random candy from the shelf beside me and unwrapping it. 

"I wouldn't eat that Spencer."

I smiled slightly before shoving into Fred's own open mouth and watched as the candy took effect.  Looking to the shelf, I read the words "Rainbow Strobelers".  Huh.. wonder what they did. 

It didn't take me long to find out.  His face seemed to suddenly turn bright red, as if it was smeared with paint, glowing neon.  The color traveled from his face up to his hair, dying it the same bright neon red, then I noticed his hands were also turning red. I imagined the body underneath his clothes had done so as well. Everyone stared as he began to change colours. .

Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo then violet. 

Then back to red.

He had become a rainbow strobe light!  I giggled, fanning my face as it seemed to get hotter in the store and everyone seemed to join me.

"Ha ha. Very funny, Spencer. I appreciate becoming a rainbow, its something I've always dreamed of!" 

Fred's words only made me laugh harder.

"Where's your pot of gold, Freddie?"

"In my pants, why dont you stick your hand down in their and try to find it." I sobered up slightly, glaring and blushing at his words as I grabbed another rainbow strobeler and stuck it in my mouth; waving towards Fred then heading out the door in all my rainbow glory; without paying for it.  That's what he got for being so gross.

[[A/N: So I skipped the rest of the holidays, mostly because the only reason I needed the write two chapters about her stay at Sirius' was for some Ayla/Spencer bonding moments.. and Fred's pervertedness.  I love Fred so much. Also, some rainbow pride thrown in too. Hoorah! The two new spells are actually just latin words for "Maim" and "Explode", I just used google translate, so yeah.]]

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