| Afterwards |

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//Your POV//

After I used all my powers, everyone was back. Krolia came back to like and Keith's dad too. Allura's Mother and Father were back too, their planet too just like every other planet that was destroyed is back. Zackon and his wife were back to life, when they realized what happened they broke down and their Son, Lotor helped them get strong again. Adam and Shiro got married after a year and I got to see it

Everyone was doing better after a year but Keith got worst, he smiled and laughed around others but whenever he got home... He cried remembering about me

It had been more then 8 years and now I was getting worried about when I will be able to come back

They had seen the messages I left for each and every one of them

To Keith!
Name:Welcome Me when I am Back!


"Hiya Keith! If you are watching it means I am gone... But don't worry I will be back In 8 years unless I was actually killed

If I was then know I Loved You and Always will, you are the only one who got to my heart

Even when I made a wall around me to keep others out you got to me and helped me

But if I only used my powers to help the whole universe then I will be back and that is a Promise!

I love you and I recorded me singing if you wanna ever hear me before sleeping, that's a big IF

Also Some videos of us and everyone

Remember me got it? And don't forget to welcome me back!


To Adam
Name:Don't forget me!


Hey!! Adam if you seen this means I am dead or alive but became a spirit! Whoa! Rainbows!

Leaving all the joking, take care of yourself and keep an eyes on everyone while I am gone

Don't want them getting depressed, am I right? *Does finger guns*

Okay I am gonna stop now, haha.

I promise to be back in 8 years if I only used all my power to save the whole God dam universe!

Love ya, bro!


To Shiro
Name:Be a good space dad!


Hey Space dad! You better keep doing your job right and now you must have a space Wife Cough Adam Cough

Also don't baby any of them! They are grown-ups!

But do try saving them from Adam, I don't think they will live on when he starts giving them lectures.

Keith might but I don't know about everyone else

Also go on adventures for me! I will be there just not physically but in spirit!



To Pidge
Name:Keep going on adventures

Legends Of The Past | Keith x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon