| Sronger Then You Think |

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//Your Dream//

You walked and walked but only saw white light to no end and soon the colours changed from White to Green, Green to Yellow, Yellow to Blue, Blue to Red and Red to black

"The Dream before I built them" You said to yourself but it soon stopped at Black and you saw that Shiro's Life force was slowly dying as he was becoming weak and the last thing you heard was

"Help him, my Dear friend" said the loins together expect Light, she still didn't trust the new Paladins but I knew what I had to do

"I will do everything in my Will to help him get better, I promise my Wings Feathers on it" as you said that, you realized that you don't use yours wings so it means your feathers will fall off and you will feel the pain again


You wake up and realized you were in your bedroom on your bed, you sat up and felt a bit of pain. I mean you just made a planet come back form almost dying so you will feel the pain

You got into your battle clothes to go and train to get that dream out of your mind but what you didn't know was a Raven hair boy was already there

You entered and saw him fighting the Training Robot, and kept watching as he finished the last one he saw you and you could see the concern in his eyes but his face calm like always

"You should be resting" he said walking to me and I realized I was shorter then him which I know I am but come on I feel tiny here!

"Can't sleep and I am faster at getting better then others are so you don't need to Worry so much" I said and smiled as he looked at me with his Gorgeous Dark Purple Eyes which shined when lights hit them

"You really don't need to act strong, I can already see how strong and beautiful you are... " after the strong part he whispered the rest so I couldn't hear so I raised a eyebrow and saw that he was had a bit of pink blush on his checks

I was gonna tease him but I saw a Training Robot drop and he was running straight at us so I took my Bayard out and pushed Keith aside, and blocked his sword

"Training End!" I shouted but the robots blue lights were now Red, Keith kicked it so it fell but we knew that something was wrong and needed to get out

We ran out and Keith closed the door as I can tell my energy is weak and looked over to Keith

"I told you, you need more rest" he said smirking and I knew he was teasing me, which was making me mad even if i knew what he was doing but the talk was cut short as a sword came through the door and we looked at each other then Ran

We kept running but we knew it was following us then we found Lance about to get thrown out into space

"HELP ME, THIS THING JUST CLOSED ON ME!!!" He shouted and I got an idea, and I could tell Keith was thinking the same thing so I got ahold of something to not get shot out of space

Keith opened the door and pulled Lance in as the Robot got shot out into space, we all rested for a moment

"What were You doing?!" Keith asked kind of yelling at Lance

"The Castle is trying to kill me! What were you doing?!" Lance also shouted

"Well The Castle is also trying to kill us!" as he said that we heard a Voice which I knew about but before I could react Keith took my hand and started running

We entered the Control room and saw what I never expected to see... Alfor, Alluar's Father, was right there

"What are you doing, Princess!" Coran shouted and then I was back to reality

"We are going home, Coran" Allura said and I realized what was wrong!

"Allura! That isn't your Father! Come back to reality! The one in which you have to work to get back what you lost! You are the Princess of Altea, Daughter of Alfor and Mary!" as I shouted her Mother's name she was back

"What is going on? What happened?" she asked but before we could answer her, she was kicked out the Wormhole Controller

"Father please! What would happen to the universe if we are gone!" Allura said as I saw that the others were gone, to the loins if I am right

"We have already lost Allura, (Y/N) you know that don't you" Alfor said and looked from Allura to me

"I know we lost years ago but We can get back what was once ours and I won't give up! You are not Alfor! He gave us hope, helped us learn how being cared feels and Protected everyone!" as I said that I didn't realize that I was glowing

"(Y/N) I hoped at least you wou-You must destroy me- You don't have to fight anymore-Do it please" Alfor was changing and I understood that we had to do this as I was about to say that to Alluar she did it

"Alluar, We need to wormhole out of here!" As I said that she nodded and ran to the Control

"Paladins get back to the Castle" Alluar said and they did but Alluar was low on Power so I helped her, we both used most of our energy

We were about to fall when I got my balance back as I caught Alluar

"Princess!" Shouted Coran as he walked in and saw that I was hardly standing up so he ran to us, and took Alluar

"Is everyone alright?" asked Shiro as he walked in with everyone behind him and saw Alluar unconscious

"Alluar is gonna be fine... She just used too much energy to get us out of there..." I said hardly able to stand and was about to fall when someone caught me

"Only her, huh?" said Pidge with a smile saying 'Thank you for saving our butts' and I smiled back

Then I realized, this is just like before Keith is holding me as I am barely awake when I hear a voice

"You should rest, Keith take her to her room" said Shiro? I didn't know anymore as I was hardly awake but the voices of everyone else were slowly fading away which might we were out of the Control room

"You are stronger then I thought" Keith said and I couldn't help but blush which he saw, and realized I was still awake

First he also blushed but then calmed down and said in his sweet voice

"Rest, you need it and don't worry i will bring you to your room" he said in a low voice which almost made me melt but I listen to his wish and fell into a dreamless sleep, with his warmth I felt like I was safe and I smiled

//Keith's POV//

She is smiling while sleeping, I couldn't help but smile too but as we reached her room I put her down and saw how she looked when she was asleep

Why do I feel like this? Like all my troubles are gone as soon as I see her and I want to just tease her, and laugh together at stupid jokes, and hug her- Wait! You just met her! What are you falling for her or something! Stop it, she will think I am an pervert if I say that!

I was about to leave when I felt a hand grab my hand, I turned around to meet her eyes which shined and looked like the galaxy, I gotta stop staring at her! What am I doing!

"Stay" she said and I could tell she was half asleep when I walked close to her

"You need to rest, instead of testing me on how long I can keep myself away from you" I said and she was already sleeping

I realized what I said and left as quickly as I could and went into my room and just sat at the closed door, thinking of what I said! Keith you Baka!

OK! Finished thar and my God, that took awhile but I will be writing more as soon, a cute moment is coming and you would never wanna miss it! But lets leave it at that~


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