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I remember when we used to meet-up in the middle of the night. We would always go some place new, whether it was far away or within our neighbourhood. We would always go exploring, but never without the other. Always together. Stuck to each other. Like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth.

We would sneak out of our houses, meet-up at the neighbourhood park, and start our adventure. Once it was dawn, we would rush back home, giddy with adrenaline. There were some times when I got caught, and got a heck ton from my parents, but never once did I ever regret.


I realised it was all a lie.

One night I sneaked out of my house, as usual, to meet-up with you. But when I went to the park, you were no where in sight. I assumed you were just running late. So I waited there. Sitting on the park bench. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour. And still no sign of you. I checked my phone, thinking I had maybe missed a call or message from you saying that you were sick, or had other issues, but nothing. I tried calling you, but no answer. I tried messaging you, it didn't even get through. So I just went back home.

The following night, I sneaked out of my house again. Hoping that you would be there, waiting for me, at the park. Even though it has only been a day, I still missed you. A lot. But when I reached the park and you were not there, my lantern of hope dimmed. Still, I waited. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour. And still, you were not there. I went back home, with my head hung low.

I called you that night, and again, you didn't answer.

The next morning I went to your house, hoping to get some answers from you.

When I went over to your house and knocked, I realised that the door wasn't fully closed. There was light breaking through the small crack. Thinking that something had gone wrong, I immediately rushed inside. Darting up the stairs leading up to your room, I could hear faint sounds of a laughing woman.

As I got closer and closer, I could hear your voice too. Immediately I could tell that you had a woman in your room. My heart sunk, but I had so much trust in you that I thought it was just one of your friends.

I opened the door with so much hesitation that one would believe I was frozen in time. The creaking of the door sent a huge wave of dread upon me.

Not daring to open the door fully, I peeped into the small opening between the door and the wall and saw you hovering slightly above another woman. Pushing the door slightly further, I could clearly see your face slightly hovering above another hers, your face slowly inching towards hers.

I let out a loud gasp and I guess you heard it, because your head, and hers, turned towards me in a split second.

I still remember the words that came out of your mouth.

"If you're just going to stand there and not do anything, please leave."

This book isn't really angsty is it 😫😫

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