chapter 32

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I straightened my cloak before grabbing the saddle and hoisting myself onto the broad black stallion's back. Settling onto the saddle with a creak of the leather, I observed the army before us. All of the forces available to Sauron had gathered to the gate, creating a black sea of deadly weapons and creatures before me. A shriek sounded above us as the Nazgul circled, causing my horse to lay it's ears back and jump in fright.

"Shhh, brave creature. You are not the one they are after," I said as I caressed the steed's neck. He calmed slightly, twitching his ears back and forth to the sound of my voice.

So much chaos. Orcs and goblins, trolls and wargs; they all had gathered along with the forces from the south. The Southrons stood in a more organized military fashion, showing discipline and strategy in their placement. I sighed in annoyance as one of the troll grabbed a goblin and began smashing it into the ground. To be fair, the goblin had been prodding it fairly hard with it's sword. I would have reacted in the same manner if I had been the troll.

The sound of hooves against the stony ground caught my attention. The Mouth rode towards me on an equally black horse encased in black armour.

"They approach. Ride next to me, warrioress, that they may see your true power."

I arched a brow in curiosity but nudged my horse to follow, nonetheless. I did not know why they would necessarily want to show me off, but it was a moment for me to show everyone just how powerful I was, and I was not going to disappoint.

"May the lord of the Black Land come forth!" I heard from the other side. "May justice be done upon him!" The voice was strong, determined, and something in it struck inside me. I shook off the feeling and rested my left hand on my thigh while my right guided the horse. Trolls groaned and moaned as they pushed against the wheels that controlled the gate. The large black and rusty gate creaked open just enough to allow us passage, allowing us to see the small army on the other side. I nearly laughed in amusement at their small numbers. There was no way in Arda they would defeat the forces of Mordor!

Waiting for us on the other side was a small group consisting of what I presumed to be the leaders. A man, riding a dark bay stallion, clothed in the signa of the white tree of Gondor, and a white robed old man on a white stallion were at the forefront. Two other horses, one bearing a man in the armour and colors of Rohan, and one whose rider wore forest green and brown with nearly white blonde hair, rode slightly behind. Each of them studied the Mouth with hard eyes, but the light colored one, the elf now that I noticed his ears, was staring at me with a surprised look. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and sent a hard glare in his direction. A startled look flashed over his face before an indifferent mask fell over it. "Aragorn," he said. His voice was a soft an lilting tenor, slightly husky.

The man from Gondor turned back with a slightly puzzled look. The elf inclined his head forward, never once taking his eyes from mine. Something about those blue eyes caught my attention. It was as if I were looking at something from a dream. They called to me. Pleading for me to... I did not know. Perhaps, they were pleading for me to recognize him? But I had no recollection of these people in front of me.

The one called Aragorn turned back around, and as if they just then saw me, each of the stiffened in surprise. "Andriel..." he whispered.

I regarded him with confusion and curiosity, but I was careful to not let my emotions appear on my face. This man knew my name, and I did not know how.

The Mouth spoke then, with barely concealed amusement in his voice. "My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome. I see thou hast seen one of our greatest warriors." He extended his hand back to me and gestured me forward. I nudged my horse in his direction until I was abreast of his mount, looking directly into their eyes with a cold look.

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