Chapter 25: A Delectable Meal

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC M|M SEXUAL CONTENT (i.e. blow jobs, anal fingering and anal intercourse among other things). If you're not comfortable with this, please skip to the next chapter. Thank you!

Hey everyone! Here's a super spicy chapter for you. I hope it's up to your standards as far as sex scenes in fanfics go lol. I tried my best so please don't be too hard on me >.< 


"Mhn," Gavin bit his quivering lower lip as he felt Richard's tongue slide up his neck.

The android hummed in delight, "I'll never grow tired of your enticing moans," he kissed the detective's collarbone.

The officer let out a series of labored breaths as he attempted to comprehend RK900's earlier request to 'ride him.' Thinking about the guttural tone Richard used when saying the phrase sent a chill down Gavin's spine. The brunet had billions of thoughts funneling into his brain but none were proving to be helpful given the heated situation he was in. For reasons he'd yet to understand, Gavin was overly sensitive, acting like a touch-starved virgin each time the android grazed his skin. Just as he began overanalyzing the android's earlier demand, everything momentarily went white as RK900 bit into the officer's neck. "Ah! Q-quit focusing on my n-neck so much," Gavin stated, completely breathless.

"I want to mark you," Richard quickly countered, "Make sure people know you're mine," he continued before sucking skin, leaving dark red spots all over his counterpart's nape and shoulders.

Gavin's breath hitched—the sensation of RK900's teeth scraping against his skin caused him to shiver. The thought of being marked all over by the android was enough to drive the brunet mad with pleasure. Though he'd never admit it, the notion of being claimed by Richard made him rock hard. "Uhn," the detective whined with arched brows before succumbing to the android's sensual actions. No matter how distracting the pleasure from RK900 was, Gavin couldn't help but have the machine's request circulate back into his brain. He was almost instantly brought back to reality however, heaving forward abruptly as Richard gripped his arousal through his boxers. "Ahn!" Gavin tightly shut his eyes and quickly covered his mouth to prevent another lewd moan from escaping his lips.

RK900 smirked just enough to show some teeth. "You're wet, detective," he smiled nefariously while pressing his thumb into Gavin's erection.

The brunet flinched, letting out a stifled cry in the process before he grabbed the android's hand and slowly pulled it away.

Richard's eyes rounded before raising a brow in confusion. "Is something wrong?" the machine asked with a concerned cadence.

The detective drew his brows together; a bright, prominent shade of red dominated his features. "I...I want to pleasure you first," Gavin swallowed, utterly mortified by how truthful he was being. He had no idea what possessed him into behaving this way. All he could think about were the various ways of satisfying his partner.

Richard took a second to parse through what the officer had just said. He then smiled, letting out an exhilarated sigh in the process. "You are truly delectable, Gavin."

The brunet's hands were shaking, his heart racing and his mind aching. He was horny and desperate to satisfy Richard. Gavin knit his brows together before letting out a small, embarrassed whine.

"What is it, love?" RK900 gingerly grazed the detective's burning cheek.

Gavin's breathing became more erratic than before. He pressed himself into the android, the pressure causing Richard to flinch. The brunet licked his lips before proceeding to grind into his counterpart's erection.

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