Ending: Dependence

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Ending: Dependence

Four years later...

The morning sun poked through her window. The chirping birds outside told her it was time to awaken. Viola still lay there, awake but her eyes closed, savoring the wonderful sound and serenity, not wanting to pull herself up from the warm covers and fluffy bed, her golden hair a mess. She peeped open her emerald-green eyes and viewed the picture of herself and her three friends, Elizabeth, April, and Ellen. The image finally gave the 19-year-old girl the strength to sit her body up, stretch, and yawn. She threw off the covers, took off her nightgown, and put on her favorite blue dress and white apron. These things sure came in a lot of sizes. She brushed her messy hair to a smoothness that sparkled in the sunlight, then tied two ends in pretty braids. She looked down and wiggled the toes on her feet, which bore the strength to walk miles after such a rejuvenating rest. Just like the day before, and many days before that, it was a wonderful day for her, Viola, to be alive.

"Happy anniversary, Ellen!" she proclaimed happily, throwing open the door to her friend's room.

Ellen lay soundless and peacefully under her covers, a sleeping mask over her eyes. "I brought your medicine." Viola walked in with the bottle of blue liquid.

Ellen groggily helped herself upright. She took the potion and slurped it down her throat. "Tastes great." She really got used to the funky taste after all this time.

"Hey, Ellen. It's bath day."

"Oh... great." If Ellen could flush, she would.

Viola pulled off Ellen's covers, exposing her mummy-wrapped legs. She helped her friend to her feet and passed her the wooden crutches. Viola led Ellen to the bathroom, sat her friend on a stool as she unclothed her, and washed her using soap and a sponge from a small tub. She didn't wash the bandaged parts. It was kind of awkward when she got to washing the face; soap got in her empty sockets. "Of course... you could always insta-clean with magic."

"Hn... it's okay." Ellen smiled.

After Viola dried her off, she dressed Ellen in her new, frilly red dress, almost making her look like a ballet dancer. "And here's your eyes." Viola gave her two golden glass eyes.

"Thanks." Ellen stuck the two eyes into the empty sockets. She looked at Viola with a light smile.

"Hm hm hm!" Viola giggled. "Your left one..."

"...Oh." Indeed the left eye was just a white circle. Ellen turned it so it was straight like her right one, though the iris sunk down a little. "Better?"

"Hmhm! Yeah."

Viola helped Ellen over to her dresser mirror. She brushed her friend's violet hair, and helped tie on her red hair ribbon. "You look beautiful today."

"Mmm..." Ellen still smiled. Her glass eyes showed no clear emotion, forced wide with no lids. It had been the same routine for a while. Four years ago, Ellen was hospitalized. She remained in the hospital for a whole year, and three months. Viola visited her every time she was able to. She prayed for Ellen's health every Sunday. It took a bit of persuading to get Elizabeth to pay her hospital bill. She owed her rich friend a ton of favors, but it was worth it. Thankfully, the injuries on her friends and father were minor, they healed quickly. But the doctors never saw anyone in a worse shape as Ellen. They couldn't believe she was still breathing... she couldn't believe it either.

After over a year of doctors working around the clock, led by a rather talented one of their group named Dr. Drevis, a stronger medicine was created for Ellen's illness. She was still hideous, she was still sick, but it subsided much of the pain and symptoms. But by this point, Ellen felt totally limp. Her body could barely feel, and she definitely couldn't walk without aid. Ellen still had a faint amount of magic, which she used to give herself pseudo-eyesight. No one else knew her secret, and for now, they thought it best no one should know. Not until they grew comfortable enough with Ellen so Viola could make them understand.

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