Chapter Twenty

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Milo's mother was the bubbliest bitch that I had ever met, and I found her fucking adorable. As soon as I'd shown up, hand-in-hand with her only child, she was pinching at my cheeks and hugging me and clinging and crying. I loved her. She was such a babe, too.

But from the look on Milo's face, it was obvious that he was beyond embarrassed, and that only made the entire situation more amusing to me. 

I'd knocked on their door and Milo had met me and opened it and grabbed my hand right away. Earlier that day, at school, he'd met up with me in the boys' bathroom and told me that his mum wanted to meet me. I was excited. But scared. I mean, what if she didn't like me? Would we have to break up? That would suck bad. Badder than Milo. But he'd learn how to suck eventually. 

Well, anyway, to say the least, I was surprised. I thought she'd be one of those up-tight, homophobic mothers that would pretend to be all sweet and nice, but secretly shot me the evil eyes, and behind closed doors would beat him and hate on him. And at the end of having one of these lovely dinners, she'd walk me to the door and tell me to stay the hell away from her son or I'd regret it. But that wasn't her at all, and I was just being melodramatic - I'm still me, after all.

"I just can't believe my baby has a boyfriend!" She'd squealed, once Milo had introduced us. "And a cutie, too! Wait, weren't you at our door a few days ago? Didn't Milo say your name was Richard?" She was laughing at her son, then. And so was I. He was so fucking ridiculous.

"Mom, calm down," Milo said bitterly. "Can we go now?"

"No!" she practically screamed. "We need to sit down, have dinner, I want to get to know your boyf." 

I turned to Milo, whispering in his ear, "Boyf?" 

He shrugged in reply. "I've warned you before, Mom, stop call him my boyf. You're embarassing me." 

"That's my job, kiddo. And why do you care so much? Is this one a keeper? Is he BAE?"

"Oh my god," he cried. "I've warned her about this before, you know," he told me. "Mom, just stop, just please stop."

"Well, answer my question, then, I am your mother, treat me with respect, thank you. Is he your boo, as the youths say? Is he , you know... the One?" 

Milo smiled briefly, but it was gone as fast as it came. "It's too early to say shit like that," he replied. "But it feels good."

"It's true," I said, feeling the warmth of his hand in mine, and fucking loving it. "His mouth is especially great at making me feel good." I paused, deciding on whether or not I should be making these kinds of jokes with his mother, "It's just so good at making me moan." 

He clipped me on the back of the head right away. "You dick! That's my mom!" 

I cackled and looked over at her, to see that she was trying her best to hold back laughter. "I'm... Oh my... I just..." She burst out laughing. I knew right away that she was totally okay with her son dating me, and I was making a good impression, as always. I'm so fucking loveable.

But I think that, somewhere inside, I wished that my mother was like Milo's. Yeah, mine had her faults, and sure, she was always there for me. I mean, the woman shot my dad in the leg for me, but still. She loved me like a mother loved her only son: unconditionally. But were weren't close. Not like Milo and his mom. I didn't even think my mum liked me. She loved me, yeah, but she didn't like me, and there was a huge difference. 

But that didn't matter, because I had Milo, and I had my friends. Sure, Jaspar and Oli were mad at me, but they'll get over it eventually, right? Hopefully, they'll get sick of my constant apology texts and messages some time. I think it just needs time, at this point. It's not unsalvageable - there was hope. 

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