Chapter 8

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"Heimdall, GET HELP NOW!" Loki shouted when he and Thor arrived back at Asgard. "And, damn it, Thor, how many pounds do you weigh?"

Heimdall left to find help before listening to the second sentence that Loki said. Thor roared with laughter. "Loki, please... It hurts when I laugh!"

Loki grinned and helped Thor sit on the floor and sat next to him. "What you did... it was so brave," Loki began picking at his hands. "I mean, you hear that every day, but... Thanks. Really."

"Do you believe me now, brother?" asked Thor.

Do you? Do you believe he loves you? "Yes," answered Loki, talking mostly to himself than his brother.

"You're a mess, brother."

Loki wondered whether he should be offended by that –he wasn't. "Now that this is over, I... I have the chance to get some things cleared up in my head... Make a new beginning... A change..."

"Mother would be proud."

Loki smiled, but tears brew and boiled in his eyes, and it was hard to hold them back.

Two guards came in the room. Loki blinked his tears away quickly and helped them take Thor to the infirmary. He sat outside, waiting and thinking. "Mother would be proud." But she's not here to be proud of you...She's not here to one of the most important moments of your life.

"I know," he mumbled to himself, picking at his fingers.

"You know what?" sounded a woman's voice from behind.

It was Sif. She sat next to him. "Hello, Lady Sif. I was just answering to the voice in my head."

"Oh. Err... yeah, okay. Heimdall told me what happened," said Sif.


"It's quite unlike you, to be honest."

"I have changed."

"Have you?"

Loki remained silent for a few seconds. "I think so," he whispered then, glancing at her. "I feel changed."

"So, you're officially on the good side?"


"Then take care. It's much tougher than being on the bad one."

"I know."

He sat there, thinking. He shot a glance at Sif, who was staring at the door intensely. Loki knew how she felt about his brother, and he could only imagine how devastating it must have been for her when she learnt about Jane. "So, you're officially on the good side?" "Yes." Good people are good friends, and good friends stand by one another. He could help her through that...

A healer opened the door, making them both raise their head in almost perfect synchronisation.

"How is he?" Loki inquired.

"Three broken ribs, a minor inner bleeding and a slightly frozen lung. But he's going to be fine."

"Can we see him?" asked Sif.

"Of course."

Loki and Sif stood up and entered the infirmary room. Thor was lying in a bed, and his face lightened up when he saw them coming.

"Look at you, Thor", said Loki. "Still staying alive. Too headstrong to die, I see," he joked.

Thor began laughing. "Please, don't make me laugh, it hurts when I laugh!" begged Thor, trying to stop his laughter. Loki smiled and sat on a chair next to the bed.

But isn't this how you feel now? You're hollow, so used to the absence of emotions that any feeling pains you, even if it's happiness... It hurts when you're happy.

"Uh, shut up!" he commanded his inner voice hushedly.

"I didn't say anything," said Sif.

"Neither did I," Thor told, sitting up onto his bed.

"No, it's just... in my head... just, never mind!" He had to deal with that... voice-in-the-head situation.

"You're strange," Sif said, raising an eyebrow.

"What did you expect from the God of Mischief?"


So... that's it. That's the end of my book. Of course, it's a happy ending –I could never kill Loki or Thor in my books (actually, I kind of did it once and I hate myself for that).

I am emotionally connected with this story... no, I'm serious! I don't know... I can't realise I finished it.

Anyway, as always, if you find any errors (grammar/vocabulary) in my story, please tell me.

If you liked my book, let me know by commenting, and make sure you have voted for all the chapters. You can also check out my other book "Loki X Reader One-Shots."

Thank you for spending time reading my book, I'm honoured. Take care. ♥

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