Chapter 7

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... Heimdall lifted his sword. The next moment, Thor and Loki had been teleported to Jotunheim.

Loki looked around him, examining the surroundings. "Where are we going? Are we going to search the entire planet?"

"No. I know exactly where to go," said Loki with a pinch of irritation in his voice and began walking.

Thor followed him. "How?"

Loki took a deep breath and walked past him. "When Nesdlithod found me, he brought me there. He tortured me. I can heal myself, but the scars from this day... his scars... are still on my body and will never leave. The last words I heard from his mouth were 'Be sure that, one day, you'll stand in this very place and ask for mercy, but nobody and nothing will save you.' So, I think he has made it clear where we're going to meet him."

"Aren't you scared?"

"Are you?"

Thor hesitated for a few seconds. "Yes. You?"

Loki sighed.

"The thing is... I don't care whether I live or die. Maybe it's better if I die. Let's admit it, I'm a murderer. A massive destructor. A heart-breaker."

"For me, you'll always be my little brother," said Thor.

Loki looked around him, trying not to smile. "We're there," he whispered.

The sight was anything but beautiful. Broken rocks and pieces of ice were all over the place, and Loki could smell something that reminded him of rotten meat –or even like a decomposing dead body.

"I'm here!" he called. Although he said he didn't care, Thor was sure that the trickster's voice cracked just a bit. He thought Loki feared for his life, but the truth was that the trickster regretted he let his adoptive brother come.

"I see you came, Asgardian."

Loki shook his head and rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to say that I'm not Asgardian. I'm from Jotunheim, too, just like you."

Thor frowned. Didn't Nesdlithod know Loki was a Jotun –and not only that but also his brother as well? His queries were interrupted when a frost giant appeared from the shadows. If someone claimed that the Jotuns were scary, all they had to do was use Nesdlithod as proof, because he certainly was the scariest of them all; his eyes were crimson red, while the markings on his blue skin were contorted by scars.

"Like me?" Nesdlithod asked, glaring at the two gods.

"Yes," Loki replied calmly. "I see it's hard for you to believe me, and it makes sense since I am sort of... cursed, one could say –destined to keep my true form hidden. Tell me, Thor, why would a frost giant grab an Asgardian's arm, and what would happen to him?"

"It's some kind of power frost giants possess. An Asgardian's arm would burn under such a touch."

"Exactly. You see, I put an extra spell on me when you found me so that you wouldn't see that form even if you touched my skin." Loki reached out his right arm. "That spell is gone now. Try –I dare you".

Nesdlithod approached him and grabbed the trickster's arm. Loki's skin began turning blue until his whole body did and his eyes became red, while strange patterns appeared on his face. Thor stared at him –he knew his adopted brother's true nature, but it was the first time he saw him like this. Nesdlithod's look revealed surprise, and his grip around Loki's arm tightened.

"I told you," Loki whispered, and there was something in his gaze –something almost twisted. His biological brother released his grip and stepped backwards. "Oh, and you didn't hear the best part yet. I'm Laufey's son," the God of Mischief said and his lips curved into a mischievous, ironic smirk. "Brother." He pronounced the last word slowly, in a sarcastic tone, entirely lacking the warmth that it should normally have.

"I don't think you expect to live after that!" said Nesdlithod. He sounded both furious and perplexed.

"Oh, you're right. I came here to die. I only ask you for one thing. Don't attack Asgard or any of the Nine Realms. If you do, lives will be lost, and no matter the lands that might come to your possession, the only true gain you'll have from this will be hate and haters. So, take my life, brother, and let them live, for their lives value more than mine."

"As you wish." Nesdlithod brought something out –the Casket of Ancient Winters. Loki knew that it was powerful enough to freeze a frost giant's heart. His face hardened, and his hands clenched into tight fists. So, this is it, he thought. This is the end. He didn't move when he saw the ice coming towards him. He only wished Nesdlithod would spare Thor...

Suddenly, he felt a strong hand pushing him. Thor's hand.

"NO!" Loki screamed desperately as he fell to the ground, not having any time to react as the ice crushed onto Thor's chest. His armour turned into ice and Thor's body dropped, unmoving.

He grabbed his spear and rushed towards his biological brother. Nesdlithod didn't forestall him, and in a matter of split seconds, Loki's spear was buried deep inside his chest.

"You made the same mistake with your father," he hissed. "You can torture me, kill me, do anything you want to me, but I'll never, ever let you harm my family!"

"I... am... family..." Nesdlithod moaned.

"No... you were never family to me. Only pain."

Loki pulled his spear out of his biological brother's wounded chest as the frost giant drew his last breath and his body turned limp. Loki took the Casket and used a spell to conceal it.

"Thor..." he sighed, dropping the spear and running towards his adoptive brother's body –his real brother. He fell on his knees and his cold hands grabbed Thor's shoulders and hugged his body tight.

"Thor, p-please... don't kill me like this..." he cried and held his brother tight, "Why did you do this...? Why, you stupid oaf –you idiot?"

Tears were coming down like falling rain from his eyes –tears he didn't try to stop or hide.

"I thought you said... Asgardians aren't whiny..."

Thor's voice. Thor's voice. It was barely a whisper, but it was there –Loki was certain he heard it. His tear-stained eyes gazed at Thor's face, and when he saw the god's eyelids flicker, he smiled wanly.

"I am no Asgardian. Those rules don't apply to me." Thor sat up with a wince of pain captured on his face. "Are you alright?" Loki asked.

"That's a relative term," Thor replied and let out a groan. "I was lucky. He hit the armour... it was strong enough to absorb the power. I would have died if he had gone for the head."

"Well, he didn't."

Thor looked at Loki with a curious look in his face. "Did you just say something optimistic?"

"It seems so, yes. I just feel... optimistic, somehow. It's a nice feeling." Loki stood up and helped the God of Thunder lean on his feet. "You'll see why I don't like 'get help' now, brother," he said with a grin. "HEIMDALL, OPEN THE BIFROST!"


Well! I hope you liked chapter seven! If you did, let me know by voting and commenting!

And, again, I remind you that if you find any errors (grammar/vocabulary), don't hesitate to let me know.

Chin-chin. ♥

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