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That these are the days that bind you together, forever

And these little things define you forever, forever

All this bad blood here, won’t you let it dry?

It’s been cold for years, won’t you let it lie?

—Bastille, “Bad Blood”


“No one is fearless. We all fear that inevitable crush of defeat. The end of control, or consciousness, of life.”

Isis takes a stand on the newly established platform in the center of the pit. “As your last challenge before the fear simulation you will be competing against your training partners.”

My chest tightens at the thought of facing Peter again. I want to beat him more than anything and I have an intense urge to do so every time I think about it. He made me feel weak and helpless like before I came to dauntless and that is a feeling I've been battling since I’ve come here.

Isis’s eyes meet mine as she scans the room before she calls me to the platform, “Imara Ember.”

I pace myself with an awareness of my sweaty palms and my eyes roam the room but no Peter. I’d never asked how badly hurt he was after the incident… then again I’d assumed that he wasn’t and just ashamed as he should be.

She calls the other person up and I freeze, “Tobias Eaton.”

His face stays placid without expression but he waits a moment before he moves up to the opposite side of Isis.

She glances to the both of us and then to Tobias, “Don’t go easy on her.”

He seldom smirks to himself, but he did as she left. I want to ask him what it was that he was smirking about, if it was the thought of fighting me or something else. I’m suddenly overwhelmed with anxiousness and I’m conflicted whether or not I want to actually fight him.

No, keep it together. You’ve never stepped down and you’re not about to start – I think to myself.

The fight begins with us standing face-to-face with our arms behind our backs. Tobias stares me straight in the eye and grins with a barely noticeable twitch of his lips.

“Intimidated?” he whispers tauntingly.

I let out a low laugh, “You wish, Eaton.”

“Then may the best man win.”

I glare at Tobias. “Or woman,” I correct him.

Isis motions for us to make our move and I take complete advantage of our height difference. Remembering what he had said about my small frame before, that I should make the first move and stay quick on my feet, I kick straight in front of me – not releasing eye contact.

He immediately curls to his feet and I come to a realization where I kicked him. I almost take a moment to let him stand up but that was the most ridiculous inclination possible… this is a FIGHT and that was no accident.

Just as he rises, I headlock him with one arm and elbow him in-between the shoulder blades with the other. Tobias lets out a small, barely audible cry and immediately reflexes his right arm to grab mine before I removed it from his back and the other around his neck with his left hand. Suddenly I am wrapped around his back in what looks like I'm hugging him but instantly the world spins below me.

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