Day 11: The Truth Is...

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Day 11: The Truth Is…

Finally the time has come and you find yourself saying, “the truth is...” But why did we have to wait so long to finally tell someone the truth? About ourselves, our actions, or our feelings. When it happens, it’s hard to choke out the words after “the truth is” because that’s something that we don’t want to give away. We don’t want to be caught, but in the end truth always prevails.

The truth about myself is that I hate time away from my family, I don’t want to go far away to college, and when it comes to women... it’s always hard for me to talk about.

The truth about my actions is because of my unfulfilled desire to be with who I want to be with, I want to be something I’m not, and because I compare myself to others.

The truth about my feelings is that I’m a weak person.

After reading over this, I’ve come to realize that I have gone through life trying to convince myself more than I have tried to convince others. I may be headstrong, but when it comes to my feelings... that will always be my secret weakness.

All in all, instead of spending the day attempting to convince myself of what I want to be, I wrote it all out on paper. The good about me and the bad.

The truth is, I’m forgiving.

The truth is, I'm not as confident.

The truth is, I have a lot more to offer.

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