Chapter 21

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A/N: Hey guys, I just want to thank all of you who got this far. thank you for the reviews and feedback. it's been a nice ride.

Enjoy the conclusion <3


Lisa recognized her sister's whining tone even before she opened the door to Rose's room. Without bothering to disguise her smirk, she entered the room to find her sister engaged in a telephone conversation.

"I'm telling you mom, there's no need for me to spend any recovery time in Jersey. I'm fine...Honestly the doctor said my head scan is clear. She's only keeping me here for protocol sake." Rose juggled the receiver to the other ear and acknowledged Lisa's presence with a curt nod of her head. "I know mom, and I'm really sorry you got stuck in traffic, but Lisa is here now so you don't have to...yeah, yeah...Okay, hang on a second."

Rose shot daggers at her sister before thrusting the phone in Lisa's direction. "She wants to talk to you."

Lisa reached for the phone only to have Rose pull it back from her grasp. Rose narrowed her eyes threateningly at Lisa.

"Agree with her and you're dead meat."

Lisa's smirk became a full teasing grin as she snapped her fingers sharply then extended her hand for the phone.

Resolved to her fate, Rose relinquished the phone.

"Wimp," Lisa muttered as she brought the receiver up to her ear.

"Hi, mom...Yeah, I'm fine. I thought you'd be here by now." Lisa looked tauntingly at her sister. "Yeah, I hate traffic too...Rose? Oh, I don't know she looks okay to me. No more banged up than usual...No, I haven't spoken to the doctor in the last couple of hours, but she had told me she'd keep Rose for observation anyway...Yes, that will give you plenty of time to get here." She stifled a chuckle when Rose rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Okay mom, Love you too. See you later."

"I hate you," Rose barked.

"No you don't." Lisa put the receiver back onto its cradle as she leaned in toward Rose's ear and whispered, "You love me."

"Whatever." Rose extended her lip into a pout that any five year old would be proud of. "Where did you disappear to anyway?"

"Duty called. We finally had a lead on that son of a bitch we've been trying to catch."

"So, you got him?"

"Yeah," Lisa said with a satisfied head shake. "We got him alright but not before he blew a hole through Jin's best suit."

"Jin's alright?"

"Yeah, he'll live to hear his wife say 'I told you so'." She tousled her sister's hair making it a little unruly. "How's the head?"

"Better. Doc gave me something for—" Rose's eyes widened at Lisa's torn jacket sleeve. "Hey, it looks like Jin wasn't the only one to get his clothing trashed. Wait, that blood?"

"Oh that? It's nothing." Lisa shrugged dismissively.

"Nothing my ass, you're bleeding and that more than likely means you've been hurt." Rose pressed the call button for a nurse. "Were you shot or something?"

Lisa didn't answer, she simply shrugged.

Rose shook her head in exasperation. "What are you, a magnet that attracts nothing but hot chicks and bullets?"

Lisa chuckled "I think it runs in the family." She looked down at her arm and then back at Rose who continued to jab the call button. "What are you doing?"

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