Chapter 5

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Bored, that would be the best definition for Lisa's state of mind. After being stuck in on a hospital bed for three days, Dr Krause's visits could be considered the highlight of her day.

"I must say I'm impressed, Lalisa. I've never seen anyone recovering so fast during my twenty years as a surgeon."

"Does that mean I can get the hell outta here?" She sent him the best puppy dog's face she could muster. "Please doctor, I need to get back to work."

"Not so fast. A bullet to the heart is not something to be treated lightly, even for someone with such fantastic healing abilities."

"I'm telling you, I'm fine. Besides, I can't stand this hospital food any longer."

"And neither can I but that doesn't mean I get to leave early." He eyed her sternly. "We all have our jobs to do and right now, young lady, your job is allowing your body to heal..."

"But I am healing," Lisa protested. "You said so yourself."

"But you're not healed all the way. Please, let me keep you under observation and if you continue showing signs of improvement, I'll discharge you by the end of the week." The physician held his gaze for a long moment before turning his attention to her chart. "How does that sound?"

"Do I have a choice?" Lisa's question was followed by one sharply raised eyebrow.

"You're the detective. You tell me." Seeing the gleam in her eyes, he countered it with a solemn shake of his head. "No!"

"Drats!" Lisa mood turned dour.

"For now you just relax and enjoy your stay. I'll come by tomorrow to check on you. If you'd like I'll write for you to have more donuts at your disposal since the menu isn't to your liking." He teased, putting her chart back in place and headed out of the room.

"Gee, thanks."

With one foot into the hall, he stopped and looked back at his pouting patient. "Oh, and if I were you, I'd quit nagging the nurses. You're making a name for yourself and it's not a very good one."

"Asshole!" Lisa cursed the retreating doctor but truthfully, she was more annoyed at her pseudo imprisonment than anything. "Shit! If I continue lying here for another minute I'll lose my mind."

Feeling the need to move, Lisa got out of bed and stood gazing out of the window at the ambulance bay below.

"I wonder if Doctor Angel is out there." Her voice was little more than a whisper that emulated the smile taking shape on her lips. "My Angel, are you real?" Lisa closed her eyes trying to remember her angel's face, but no image appeared with the memory of the sweet voice echoing in her dreams.

"She's probably a hallucination induced by my altered state." Lisa snorted, her gaze drifting to the horizon.

But what if she's real? The self-doubt registering in her inner voice echoed meekly until it grew into a full body crescendo.

The counter rhythm of a knock at the door finally stirred Lisa out of her reverie. She turned to see a pair of brown eyes leading a female figure into her room.

Tall, red hair and with a captivating smile, Roseanne was as near a spitting image of her sister as a sibling could be.

"Hey Liz," Rose flashed an irresistible lopsided grin. "What are you doing up and out of bed?"

One look at her teasing sneer and Lisa knew her sister was up to something. "Save it for someone who will fall for it, Rose. I'm not one of your bimbos."

"Don't you wish," Rose paused for a second. "Not!" Rose wiggled her eyebrows.

Lisa met Rose's challenge with one of her own signature glares then quickly gave in. "You got that right. So, why are you smiling like that?"

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