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Thrashing wildly has they strapped her to the bed. Again they would inject her with another shot. Another serum that would “better” her in some way. Her arms were covered in holes that never healed. She was not alone in this torture. Many were here but she never really saw any of them has they never really saw her. 

They shoved the needle and unknown serum into her she felt the needle inter her bone shrieking as colossal amounts of pain tore through her. Then they took out the needle and unstrapped her hands and feet. She curled up in a ball. There was an odd feeling in her bones. An itching and burning that would make her scream or cry but her throat was raw and didn’t work. She suddenly felt calm and sleep washed over her.

A strange quiet stole over her when she woke. It had been quiet once in awhile but this was a new empty quiet that warned her to be quiet. This time she listened to the instinct unlike the time that got her torn from her family. 


Shocked she bolted up. Her eyes already adjusted to darkness that enfolded her. Then she saw it was Jacob and calmed down. He put a finger to his lips telling her to be quiet. She nodded. Her door was left ajar from when he must have walked in. 

Do you know why its so quiet?

She opened her mouth then closed it. Shaking her head slowly.

Do you hear anything?

No. Wait if you can’t hear it why would you ask me?

In reply he manifested a mirror and raised it up to her face. She gaped and tumbled off the bed landing on her paws. They turned back into hands and feet. 


I don’t know but I think they gave me the same stuff.

Jacob moved his wolf ears tail. His were deep gray and black where hers were red and cream flecked.

Well at least we match.

Sarcasm dripping from her voice. 

Well sort of yeah.

She flicked her tail and was half way through the door. A shaking started and they ran towards it. In this torture chamber it could be an earthquake but most likely an unwilling victim who can’t control there powers. She telekinetically threw the door open and it nearly fell off the hinges. She raced to the open door and stopped. Three bodies covered the walls, floor, and ceiling. One being the doctor and two nurses. She had a felling no one would disturb the poor girl any longer.

The girl was sobbing in the corner. She went over to her. 

“Hey its fine. What’s your name.”

The girl jerked up her head. 



“Aara why are you crying?”

“They…They took my sight.”

“Your sight? Well they can’t hurt you now. I’m sure no one will they have all left.”


“Indeed they have.” Jacob said standing in the door way.

“We will free the others and live here.” She said.

“Why here?” Aara asked.

“We don’t want to hurt anyone outside this little project so it would be best to save others from the pain we went through.”


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