Chapter 6

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        Darkness, in daylight you could fake a smile and pretend, but night, night only showed what was real. You could not hide, because there was only you there, even if there were many people, there was only you. Only you hiding from yourself, your fears, darkness opened any locked doors, took off any masks, leaving no place to hide. Darkness the greatest equalizer there ever was, and some people had plenty to fear. 

Kailspel was sitting in a dark corner flexing her hand. Absorbed in the motion, watching the fingers curl, and uncurl. She was nervous, she always was, tomorrow was her birthday and she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t think excitement was the reason, just a buzzing in her blood keeping her from sleep. Whispers she could almost hear rung in her ears. Soft and comforting, she was turning twelve.  Twelve, the ability to do more than an eleven year old, but a little more responsibility, too. Not grown up, but not so young either. 

When her blood buzzed like it was it gave her a newness to things. She could sit and work on math and have no problems, if she were to work on math when her blood wasn’t buzzing it was way more difficult. She did know if it was because the blood was moving faster or not but it made her feel invincible. 

She herd the sudden sound of glass shattering and then the sound of rushing footsteps softened by carpet. Her mother opened the secret passage way between her room and her parents. 

“Alright sweetie, I need you to be a big girl and hide in your closet. It’s just until the bad guys go away, then everything will be okay. You have be really quiet, not even a peep, okay?”

She just nodded and quietly closed her closet door after she had walked in. Her closet was built in a way that if it was shut it would seem like another wall. The latched to open it was in the inside, so it had always been open. Her mom stayed in her room. At first nothing seemed really wrong, just a brick or something thrown through the window, nothing out of the ordinary there. Then not so much, she heard a gun go off and then a solid thump. Doors began slamming open and then they found her room.

They began shouting at her mother trying to fins where she was claiming all sorts of foul things if they didn’t hand her over. Her mother kept saying that she had died over and over again. Then she herd the death threat and she had opened her closet door and walked out. To her dismay they shot her mother anyway. Then it was all a blur and eventually darkness. She had woken up in the asylum that had been her torture then home for the last five years.

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