day 7 - love

1.7K 212 14

There had been little to no change overnight. This threw me slightly, I had been expecting to see a few more reads appear when I woke up the next morning. I shook off those initial doubts and posted a new chapter, making sure advertise it on my message board. I now had 71 followers, I wanted to alert them to my book's presence somehow.

What really excited me about writing this book was how much I wanted to write it. I loved writing it, and everyday would wake up wanting to write more. The beauty of this was that by day 7 I already had 6 more chapters ready to post, meaning that if I ran out of time during school I would still have things to post. I was very aware about how important it was to have lots of chapters in order to increase my reads even quicker. One week in, I was already having fantasies about being able to finish this book in a month as well.

I had slowed down on the following front, not wanting to appear desperate for any followers, as well as being relatively happy with how my followers were growing by themselves. People were now following the account without me following them first, and these people tended to be new writers like myself. I was certain that I would be able to make 100 followers by the end of the month, and wondered to myself how many I could gain by the end of the month. It seemed like the sky was the limit.

Statistics at the end of day seven:

158 reads


Lesson learnt: Sometimes you have to ignore the numbers for a minute and focus on the book itself.

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