27. Desperately

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There was a faint scent of sterilization was the first thing Rory noticed

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There was a faint scent of sterilization was the first thing Rory noticed. She groaned as pain throbbing in the base of her skull came back to her, and immediately she wished she was unconscious again. It would mean that she didn't have to face whatever was coming, it would mean that horrific pain would be gone. A soft whimper came from her lips before she knew it was herself making the noise. Reaching up to clutch her head, she finally opened her eyes. 

Immediately she had to shut them again, the pain from the bright lights over her head too much. Part of her wondered if she was in a hospital, a part of her had a foolish hope that a nurse would come bustling in soon to take her vitals and explain she hit her head really hard, and that she started seeing things -things like black stuff coming out of Eddie. 


She peeked through one eye, letting her pupils adjust to the brightness. Then she opened the other, and sat up slowly. Instantly her head began to pound harder, but she remained upright, hunched over. The pain was so much that she began to dry heave, but nothing came up. She wondered how long she was here, how long since she hit her head. How did she hit her head?

Then she remembered; piece by piece it started to come back. The men came for Eddie, and whatever was inside Eddie, and then they found her. She remembered Treece's voice; she shuddered at the memory. He was Carlton Drake's right hand man, the one who could find anyone and get answers out of them if he needed them. It had taken him nearly no time at all to find Eddie, and his men got hold of her with ease. 

She spat stomach acid on the floor, then decided to look around. She got shakily to her feet, thankful she was still in her clothes and not changed into some horrific hospital gown. In a hospital, she wouldn't mind, but here -assuming it was the Life Foundation- here it would feel like a violation. 

Somehow, Rory knew she was on camera, that there was something filming her and someone on the other end. She glanced around and spotted the little black camera in the centre of the room. The room itself was glass walled, and there were other cells just like it all around her, with hallways weaving through like an intricate beehive. She glanced at one of the cells, it was dark, but she was nearly certain there was a body there. A woman's body, with something gelatenous coming out of her. 

Pressing her hand to the glass, she leaned her head against the cool wall and let it seep through her. The sickness began to bubble up again, she wanted to throw up, but she had nothing in her. She wasn't sure this time if it was from the concussion or from seeing a dead person. 

Someone appeared in her peripheral vision, and Rory knew who it was before she looked. A Scathing look crossed her features as she turned to look at him on the other side of the glass. Two years, and he looked the same; smug, powerful, in command. She looked different, at least to herself, but to him, she probably looked the same; caged and scared. 

She put on a veil, only showing her anger, no longer would he have her fear. 

"Aurora," he said, pushing a few buttons and the door slid open. He walked in, closing the door behind him. "I'd say you look well, but I would be lying."

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